This is because both these sets of people are as dumb as a sack of frogs.
We are for Israeli Nationalism - and against Zionism.
Neither can see that the problem is Zionism - the Zionists in Israel are arrogant, racist pigs who treat Christians as badly as they do their own Arab citizens.
The Zionist filth in the UK, of all races and religions, who serve the interests of the Zionists in Israel are simply traitors and must either be deported, jailed or executed if they have aided Israeli Zionists in such a way as to damage the national security interests of the UK.
Israel is a nation - and as nationalists we support the right of national self determination for all nations.
Attacking Israel as the trades unions Unison and Unite have just done is Anti-Semitism, not because Israel is a 'Jewish Nation' (which is itself proof that Zionism is National Socialism and racist) but because Israel is a home for semites of all religions, including both Christian Jews and Arabs and also Gentiles who wish to live in the land of Christos.
Zionists are Anti-semites as they despise their own Israeli Arab Christian and Muslim citizens, and also Anti-Gentilist as they also despise all gentiles - except the Shabbats Goyim like David Cameron and Gordon Brown who serve their Zionist masters faithfully as treasonous lapdogs.
Anti-Israelism is the product of warped minds and warped politics.
Anti-Semitism is how the Zionists keep in power in the UK, by peddling the myth of anti-semitism in the corporate media whilst embracing it as a political methodology in Israel.
Israel is not the problem - the problem are the Zionist scum in the UK and US who serve the interests of Israel whilst pretending to be British and American.
Once upon a time we called Zionists by their correct name - TRAITORS AND NAZIS.
The Zionists in Israel that run the Israeli government and Israeli Military Industrial Block are the only nazis in power on the face of the planet - and the sooner they are removed from power then an Israel based on morality rather than might can be built upon the remains of the Zionist fascist state.
Britain’s biggest trade union Unite, has confirmed it will be backing a boycott of Israeli goods proposed by the Fire Brigades Union, along with public sector trade union, Unison.
Unison and Unite’s support will now make the FBU’s chance of successfully getting the TUC to agree to the motion far greater.
Motion 76, tabled by the firefighters, called for the TUC to review its links with Histadrut, its Israeli trade union counterpart.
It also called for a ban on the importation of all goods from “illegal settlements”, the ending of all arms trading with Israel, a boycott of Israeli goods and divestment from companies “associated with the occupation”.
The motion will be debated at the TUC tomorrow in Liverpool.
The GMB, which proposed a compromise amendment condemning Hamas as well as Israel took the unusual step of issuing a statement condemning the actions of fellow trade unions.
Paul Kenny, general secretary of GMB said: “GMB is not a gesture trade union and we do not believe in carrying motions that we do not intend to put into effect. GMB does not believe that the position set out in Motion 76 is the correct position.
“GMB has no mandate for it and we believe it would cut off lines of communication with the Israeli trade unions. We will be moving our amendment of the floor tomorrow and we hope we will persuade the Congress to adopt what we consider is the correct position on this motion.”
GMB will support continuing links with Histadrut.
The FBU cited Histadrut’s support for the recent conflict Gaza as the reason for its proposed review of the two trade unions’ relations.
When the amendment was first proposed, a spokesman for the FBU said: “The Fire Brigades Union is proud of our history of opposition to racism. Our motions to the TUC are in that tradition of international concern.
“We are aware that there are progressive elements in Israeli society who strive for peaceful coexistence with the Palestinians and the establishment of a sovereign Palestinian state. Our TUC motions aim to strengthen that movement towards peace."
"We are for Israeli Nationalism - and against Zionism."
I think that you might have a blind spot here, because Israeli Nationalists are Zionists and Israeli Nationalism is a from of Zionism.
Jewish-Israeli Nationalists are Nationalist-Zionists as opposed to 'Labor Zionists' or Zionists of any other political hue.
Searchlight are communist-Zionists.
The Board of Deputies of British Jews are Establishment Zionists.
The banned nationalist Kach party of Israel were nationalist-Zionists, and therefore, according to you, you might be 'for' these Zionists.
Can you see the inconsistencies in what you have written?
I plagiarised and paraphrased your article here.
You might find that my changes and additions are to your amusement.
All the best,
Zionism is National Socialism, not Nationalism.
National Socialism is based on ;
1) Race as opposed to Nation eg it allows Jews of whatever nationality to enter its borders as a citizenw hilst denying citizenship rights to Arabs and Christians born with its borders
2) Is supra-national in scope as opposed nationalistic eg it regards all Jews as Israelis, so therefore repudiates the link between Land and People that is the basis of all Nationalist philosophies
3) Is supra-national in regards to its reach - nationalists are nationalists who live and act in the nationalist context both politically and usually geographically (except for diplomats, army abroad on postings etc ), but Zionists have agents in every nation with dual loyalties or simply loyalty to Israel - so they are not nationalists. You cannot be a British Citizen and have loyalty to the goals of Zionism or the nation of Israel. You must have loyalty solely to Britain.
4) Zionism is predicated upon racial superiority - the chosen people concept - and therefore not rooted in the notion of all the folk of the land being equal.
5) The goal of Zionism is Ersatz Israel or Eratz Israel, as opposed to the present nation state of Israel and therefore Zionism seeks the destruction of Israel as its present national entity.
At every level Zionism is anti-Nationalist.
Its a pity that some people do not understand such things as Zionism, Nationalism and National Socialism - then perhaps we could have a real debate rather than the tedious media propaganda peddled to the braindead Zombies and then vomited out as public discourse in this sad, retarded country of sub-literate intellectual Idiot Savants - or the Educated Idiots as I define them.
I blame the teachers.
Israel is a Nation.
A Nation is defined by its borders.
The politics of a nation is defined by its politicians.
Zionism is National Socialism, not nationalism.
Nationalism is predicated by three fundamentals ;
1) The Nation and land
2) The People of the Nation
3) A National Culture
An Israeli Nationalist sees the nation state of Israel as it is today as both his homeland and also the homeland of those who have always lived there alongside people him such as Arabs and Christians, sees himself as an Israeli citizen first and foremost regardless of his indivudal religion or race and who wants Israel to have a democratic political system and national security structure that allows it remain and survive as a nation state.
Searchlight are Zionists who use Communism to promote the interests of Zionism, Gable is a Zionist Taqqiya specialist, a Zionist Gramscian.
A Zionist wants to destroy the present nation state of Israel and create a Greater Israel, sees Israel as a nation solely for the Jewish Chosen People defined by race and who seeks to dominate the political, economic and media systems of the United States, UK, the Middle East and Palestine and to use the UK and other nations to serve the interests of Zionist Greater Israel and its fascist state security system.
If you cannot see the difference between the two, then you are bonkers
Zionism includes a myriad of political philosophies.
1) Race as opposed to Nation eg it allows Jews of whatever nationality to enter its borders as a citizenw hilst denying citizenship rights to Arabs and Christians born with its borders
Which citizenship rights?
Israel is a democracy.
2) Is supra-national in scope as opposed nationalistic eg it regards all Jews as Israelis, so therefore repudiates the link between Land and People that is the basis of all Nationalist philosophies
True Zionists, who are nationalists wish for all Jews to live in Israel and take Israeli citizenship. Zionists of other political hues do not care less, they just want Jews who will support their proposed regimes.
3) Is supra-national in regards to its reach - nationalists are nationalists who live and act in the nationalist context both politically and usually geographically (except for diplomats, army abroad on postings etc ), but Zionists have agents in every nation with dual loyalties or simply loyalty to Israel - so they are not nationalists. You cannot be a British Citizen and have loyalty to the goals of Zionism or the nation of Israel. You must have loyalty solely to Britain.
Individuals with dual loyalty cannot be true Zionists, and there are political movements within Israel who wish to liberate their nation from these troublemakers, who, for example, lock them into arms deals with American manufacturers.
4) Zionism is predicated upon racial superiority - the chosen people concept - and therefore not rooted in the notion of all the folk of the land being equal.
The chosen people concept is misunderstood as superiority when in fact, it is correctly interpreted as religious duty or dharma.
5) The goal of Zionism is Ersatz Israel or Eratz Israel, as opposed to the present nation state of Israel and therefore Zionism seeks the destruction of Israel as its present national entity.
You mean Eretz Yisrael, and so it should.
At every level Zionism is anti-Nationalist.
The current popular expressions of political Zionism are anti-nationalist, but Revisionist Zionism which has been brutally suppressed by the British State in collusion with Israeli Bolsheviks, was always very much more a nationalist political ideology, as espoused by Ze'ev Jabotinsky, and his political descendents today, but you will not acknowledge that, for some reason best known to yourself.
It is a disgrace that Britain's role in Israel's creation was to install a dynastic Marxist dictatorship instead of a nationalist democracy.
We continue to experience the political fall-out from this in the form of odious Marxist-Zionist groupings such as Searchlight.
You seek to redefine what Zionism is. Anyone can be a Zionist. There are even some Muslim Zionists:
"A Zionist wants to destroy the present nation state of Israel and create a Greater Israel, sees Israel as a nation solely for the Jewish Chosen People defined by race and who seeks to dominate the political, economic and media systems of the United States, UK, the Middle East and Palestine and to use the UK and other nations to serve the interests of Zionist Greater Israel and its fascist state security system."
This is your negative redefinition of what Zionism (the support for a Jewish homeland) is.
Why are you choosing to do this? What purpose does it serve?
Why do you refuse to acknowledge the existence of nationalist-Zionism?
Zionism is National Socialism not nationalism.
Nationalism Socialism is not a variant of Nationalism.
National Socialism is the politics of Race predicated on the concept of a chosen race or people with a divine mandate from either god or nature to create an Empire stolen from lands owned by those they consider inferior peoples.
It is for nutters, not Nationalists.
This is the truth.
I am sorry if you have not been programmed to understand this - blame your teachers for teaching you a load of bollocks about what Nationalism is as a political ideology instead of the truth.
The mortal enemy of Israel and the world are Zionists.
Zionism will destroy Israel.
Zionism as a historical movement has nothing at all to do with the founding of Israel, the Nation of Israel as it is today and where it needs to be tomorrow.
Zionism is a curse that both Israel and the world have yet to shake off.
Zionism is National Socialism not nationalism.
Nationalism Socialism is not a variant of Nationalism.
National Socialism is the politics of Race predicated on the concept of a chosen race or people with a divine mandate from either god or nature to create an Empire stolen from lands owned by those they consider inferior peoples.
It is for nutters, not Nationalists.
This is the truth.
I am sorry if you have not been programmed to understand this - blame your teachers for teaching you a load of bollocks about what Nationalism is as a political ideology instead of the truth.
The mortal enemy of Israel and the world are Zionists.
Zionism will destroy Israel.
Zionism as a historical movement has nothing at all to do with the founding of Israel, the Nation of Israel as it is today and where it needs to be tomorrow.
Zionism is a curse that both Israel and the world have yet to shake off.
As a KJB Baptist, my own view is wait and see how the as yet unfulfilled OT prophecies turn out.
One of them, Zechariah 13:8, indicates that 2/3 of Jews in Israel are destined for a violent death, in about the next decade, I would think.
But I would suggest watch for growing Israeli overtures to the EU and the Vatican, possibly for potential allies against the Muslims.
An English friend of my late dad's, who worked in the oil refinery in Haifa pre-WW2 (and was there when Arabs descended on the site and started hacking Jewish process operators to death) once said about the time of the 1967 war: "The Arabs are a hopeless lot. And the Jews will never give in now that they've got Israel back."
They stand to be betrayed by their leaders, though. That's why I suggest watch for any closer EU-Rome-Tel Aviv connections.
Rowan Laxton certainly doesn't see the difference between Zionism and Judaism. This loud mouth top Foreign Office Civil Servant screamed ‘f****** Israelis, f****** Jews’ at a TV news bulletin while working out.
What does the average firefighter make of the unions abstract actions, thier money spent on foreign policy!
This insanity is not backed by firefighters or any other such common union member, just the marxist whacko's.
The people pay their dues to make sure the goverment cannot victimise them, yet it is the unions that are the ones constantly abusing it's workers and the mandate the workers give the unions to protect their jobs and conditions - not to dabble in foriegn affairs or social experiments as well as the plain outright scabbery of the union bosses themselfs through their destructive ideology.
Unions that welcome competition for their workers jobs and undermine their workers contracts and wages - what kind of a union is that?
The unions now feel they represent the whole freaking world and not their often poor paying members that keep these traitors and the treacherious goverment afloat and on the `marxist` gravy train.
What is ironic is that their stranglehold on public services will soon come to an end thanks to the NWO globalisation plan, that they fully support.
As the NWO stooges in goverment privatise the public sector piece by piece for maximum NWO corporate profit they will find the unions toothless and defunct with wages competing with the third world due directly to the globalisation that they support, while those at the very top get fatter and fatter.
The NWO will kill the unions once they get a totalitarian grip, faster than you can say `fascist`.
Do you think the corporate NWO will allow true group representation on behalf of the workers once it has total power?
These communist useful idiots really have not thought this through.
How to destroy the working class and industry by the unions! part one.
All those (Jews) residing in Israel must all be considered Zionists, surely? Those living in Israel see themselves there because its gods divine plan for his chosen people. Israel was stolen from the Arabs by murderous Ashkenazim Polish (Khazars) Jews like Menachem Begin. These Khazars have no biblical or historical roots/claim to Israel, and are illegal squatters. However, I understand you can’t exactly kick them out of Israel and send them back to Poland or Russia.
And if Zionist Traitor (the one griffin used to spearhead Euro Campaign) Winston Churchill, had not declared war on Adolf Hitler we wouldn’t be in this mess in the first place.
They (Khazars) have stolen Israel as a centre to rule mankind from.
“In Jerusalem, the United Nations (a truly United Nations) will build a Shrine of the Prophets to serve the federated union of all continents; this will be the seat of the Supreme Court of Mankind, to settle all controversies among the federated continents, as prophesised by Isaiah.”
David Ben - Gurion
Look Magazine, January 16, 1962
I disagree Joe - there are millions of decent non-Zionist Israeli nationalists who want to live in peace alongside Muslims, Arabs and Christians.
Israeli Nationalists are the ones fighting against Zionist extremism every day - on the streets and in the Knesset.
I believe that many of the Jews who went to Israel did so not because they saw themselves as chosen people, but simply as they were fleeing the Holocaust - which as we all know was undertaken by the Nazis with the Zionists.
Most Jews in Israel I believe do not see themselves as chosen race - its mainly Zionist American Jews who think like that, not moderate Israelis.
The moderate Israeli nationalists know that Zionism is the real threat to Israel not Iran.
I don’t believe millions of anti - Zionist Jews exist in Israel. And how many non - Jews are in the Knesset? The Jews were planning to take Palestine from 1917 onwards with the Balfour declaration, and not with the advent of the so - called holocaust. But yes, I’m sure there are plenty (not millions) of Jews like Mordechai Vanunu in Israel.
It may be useful to have an overview of what may be perceived as the Zionist position, as held by Bible believers.
I believe it to be a sound Biblical perspective on Israel, Islam, Christian belief, the rest of the world, authentic world history (from ancient times to the present) and the end times.
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