Thursday 24 September 2009

Richard Barnbrook Update

Richard Barnbrook has been found not guilty of deliberately lying but has been found guilty of a technical breach in relation to the late removal of a video from the internet that contained inaccuracies.

This decision of the Standards Committee completely validates and exonerates Richard totally of the false allegations, peddled by scum journalists in the media, that he had deliberatly lied.

There was never any intention to decieve, and therefore he should never have been charged with lying.

The decision of Barking and Dagenham Council is clearly a disgusting abuse of their powers in order to try and bully Mr. Barnbrook.

He now intends to appeal the decision of Barking and Dagenham Council to suspend him for a month, though he will not contest the GLA decision.

The technical breach occurred due to a mix up within the GLA in relation to them wrongly identifying one video by confusing it with another video.

He will be though taking formal legal action against the GLA and Barking and Dagenham Council for breaches of their duties under the Disability Discrimination Act and for repeated procedural failures in this case in relation to his dyslexia disability.

He also intends to launch actions against all newspapers such The Guardian which have in previous articles asserted that he deliberately lied.

He will also be taking against Channel 4 news for reporting this evening that he deliberately lied.

He will also be taking formal legal action against any newspapers that do not report the facts or who misreport the findings of the panel.

He will also be issuing a formal statement in the next few days.

He will also be issung formal legal actions against individuals involved in this case within the GLA for various ethical breaches.

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Anonymous said...

My best wishes to Richard Barnbrooke.Dont let the buggers grind you down.

Adrian P said...

Well done Mr Barnbrooke, right is on your side.

And thanks for all the Flak and abuse you have endured all these years speaking for my children's Birthright to a homeland while I was asleep at the wheel.

Anonymous said...

Good for Richard, a brave and patriotic man worth more than all of them put together.

Well done Lee also for your tireless work.

We need a nationalist revolution ¸¸.•*¨*•♫ said...

I'm glad he's filling an official complaint against all these bodies that have either discriminated or lied about him (or both) what an absolute vipers nest the GLA is, i bet they've been watching him ever since he was elected to the GLA for any slip ups, couldn't find anything so decided to make an issue out of this, absolutely pathetic...Donna

David Hill said...

Good luck Richard. I'm sure this has been a rocky road for you, but you're once again exposing the lying, devious hypocrites for what they are.

We in the BNP family are very proud of you.

alanorei said...

Thanks for the update, Lee

I trust that Coeur de Lion takes the opposition to the cleaners and then some