We have given the agents of Rowan Atkinson full legal details on how to shut this shop down and claim damages for the use of their clients image.
We have also passed this information on to the EDL so they can use their activists to contact Rowan Atkinsons agent and keep them up to date on the details of the shop involved.
We also have asked the legal teams assisting the EDL to commence a leafleting of the area in Blackpool where over sixty young girls have been raped, and two murdered, to contact the victims of these crimes and begin legal actions for damages against the owners and staff of the fast food shops.
The fact that Mr. Atkinsons image was used by this shop,and still exist in the internet associating him with the shop, means he has a live case to sue them for defamation.
The British Freedom Party will also be seeking to liase with solcitors and barristers to contact the child victims of the muslim paedophile gangs and take on legal cases against against the shop owners and those involved in the grooming.
The way to shut these premises down is to follow the money.
We will seek to bankrupt the owners, seize their assets and houses and close the premises down.
That way the victims of the abuse will be compensated and the children of blackpool protected.
The victims of the sexual abuse need to get in contact with solicitors and ask them to prepare a group action against the shops and people involved on behalf of the victims for damages. They can sue the people who committed the paedohile rapes and take all their property.
The EDL also need to contact Charlene Downes parents and get their permission for the EDL legal team to take action in their name against the owners of the shop, and Mr. Iyad Albattikhi personally, in a civil action for damages for charlenes death. They can sue him and take all his compensation money, shop and property.
Do to Iyad Albattikhi what the family of OJ Simpson did to OJ - go for the money.
The EDL also need to use the May 14th demonstration to leaflet the area with leaflets asking the victims of the sexual abuse to contact solicitors and take action against the perverts in individual and group action cases. They will then get tens of thousands of pounds from the civil courts for the rape and abuse.
The British Freedom Party are prepared to act for free for any victims of the abuse or offer them any advice they may need to commence the legal actions.
Below are Mr. Rowan Atkinsons contact details.
Contact his agent and ask if he is going to take action to claim damages against the shop and shut it down for using his image on the shop front.
Mr Atkinson can take action for ;
1) Innuendo Defamation
2) Breach of copyright
3) Breach of his celebrity rights under Tort law
All these are actionable and if Mr. Rowan Atkinson commenced legal action against the owners of the shop and managed to seize their assets to pay for his damages due to their use of his image in the past, and also the continued association with him directly via the name of the shop Mr. Beanz, he would then be able to ensure no more children are molested by these perverts.
If he doesnt take legal action then people will merely assume he wants the shop to stay open.
If he wins the case he can donate the money and damages to a local charity to assist the victims of child sexual abuse.
Peter Bennett-Jones
Tiger Aspect Pictures
7 Soho Square
London, W1D 3DQ
Phone: +44 (0) 207-434-6700
Brilliant, now every blogg should follow what The BFP and Lee Barns is doing asap.
Show the Establishment filth that we can mount a serious unity against them.
Let us see who is man enough to follow what you are doing..
United on the internet!!
How about lessons on how to take action as individuals, suing for ethnic cleansing, non of us ever asked to be ethnically cleansed, nor for our jobs to be shipped overseas, if they want our country out of work, fine, but I'll be needing a few million to look after me and my kids.
Very well Done.
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