Migrants will win fast-track passports if they stand on picket lines or knock on doors asking people to vote Labour, it emerged last night.
The Home Office says trade union activism and political canvassing should count towards the planned new system of 'earned citizenship'.
Migrants who complete 50 hours of voluntary work will be entitled to receive British citizenship after six years - two years earlier than if they do nothing.
Lee, aren't you conveniently ignoring the fact that they could also earn points by canvassing for any other party as well, including the BNP?
Anyway, why do you believe anything you read in the Daily Mail, part of the corporate media establishment?
...or if they knock on doors asking people to vote for any other legitimate political party, such as the BNP.
Isn't that right, Lee? Is there some particular reason why you've chosen to ignore that bit?
That includes "political canvassing" for any party including the BNP.
Why don't you use this to your advantage, and turn this vast tide of immigrants into BNP supporters, thereby swamping Labour voters through sheer numbers?
Lee, your cheerleading for all things English would carry a bit more weight if you'd only learn to use the language properly.
See if you can guess where this apostrophe should go in the title of this blog entry: '
"Why don't you use this to your advantage, and turn this vast tide of immigrants into BNP supporters, thereby swamping Labour voters through sheer numbers?"
So you admit there is a "vast tide of immigrants"?
Immigrants are the indulgence of Labour, everyone knows that, the fact that you try and pretend otherwise simply shows how delusional you are. We do not want immigrants to support us, just like we do want self-loathers such as yourself to support us.
The BNP campaign for the British people, not just the English as you state.
I am uncertain as to whether immigrants would vote BNP somehow, anons.
Labor desperate for votes to to keep their corrupt regime in power
Andraste - If you have a dictionary, look up irony or maybe sarcasm. D-!
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