Perhaps it will come as a vague consolation to the parents of Ben Kinsella that he was not murdered for racial reasons, but simply because he was in the wrong place at the wrong time, as they say. Ben, aged 16, who was white, was stabbed to death by three black men near a nightclub in north London; there was no apparent motive for the murder.
If you were a cynic you might argue that if a black kid had been stabbed to death by three white men in an otherwise motiveless attack then the community centre would already have been built by now and the grieving parents recognised in the honours lists.
It is good that we are quick to become enraged by violent white racism, that it appals us and makes us examine our society, claw away in an attempt to discover those subterranean causes. But what of this, apparently, non-racist murder? Just as much brutal honesty is required to confront it, I think. Maybe more.
The truth is, violent white-on-black crime is a rarity in Britain, by comparison – although white-on-Asian crime is rather less so.
( Correct - though of course whites are the majority victims of racial crimes in the country and by both black and asians )
The overwhelming bulk of violent street crime in London is committed by young black men, and in numerous cases against white people, although one would not impute a racial motive; the statistics suggest that young black male criminals are quite happy to stab or shoot anybody who hoves into view with either a bulging wallet, a mobile phone or an assumed reflection of disrespec’ in their eyes.
Apologies if this offends – but that’s how it is. At most, the African Caribbean population of London is about 12% of the whole. But black males are responsible for nearly 60% of arrests for robbery – and the overwhelming majority of gun crime, most of it black-on-black violence.
We skirt this issue, mostly for decent, if deluding reasons – that a proportion of young black males is more likely to commit violent crime than other sectors of the population. It is a form of racism, though, to assume that the problem is simply a given, and unalterable – but we have been hamstrung in our attempts to deal with it for reasons of political correctness.
The propensity of some young black males to underachieve at school and later commit crimes of violence has been seen for too long as a roguish expression of cultural diversity, exacerbated by our own inherent racism and economic oppression; in other words, it’s not their fault. Indeed the culture of violence, misogyny and epic drug abuse, exemplified in rap music, has been lapped up by a bovine liberal white culture that finds the vibrancy and “edginess” of gangsta rap something in which we should all exult and indeed emulate.
At the same time, we are reluctant to draw attention to the fatherless families in our black communities, the absence of male role models and teachers, even though we know that this is not a good thing, as we increasingly realise it is not a good thing for white boys either. We have been shy of condemning this demeaned culture for fear of being branded racist; too quick to make excuses when the education statistics arrive and show black males right down at the bottom, even below poor whites. But not black females, note; they do well at school and are high achievers later on too. This is only a racist thing if you make it a racist thing.
( Wrong statistics Rod - white male children are the bottom of the school educational tables in virtually all areas )
There is a horrible symmetry to the case of Ben Kinsella. He foresaw, in a school essay, that he might one day be stabbed to death in the street, although he was too nice a kid to suggest that the perpetrators would be black.
His assailants, meanwhile, quite incapable of writing an essay, had demonstrated their own commitment to the eventual murder by having previously been variously convicted of extreme, nihilistic violence, robbery and selling drugs. All parties were set on a trajectory which was to end in Ben’s death. In his last moments, Ben asked of the young men wielding the knives why they had picked on him. No sentient answer was forthcoming, apparently.
( Because he was white and he was there )
At last some good news Lee - here's one the UK border officials put straight onto the next plane home. Lets hope for a few more like that eh!
Re: "white male children are the bottom of the school educational tables in virtually all areas"
Where this happens, it means no education is taking place, as we used to know it. It also underlines how successive governments have steadily deconstructed the white working class.
Naturally, had the races of victim and killers been reversed, all the politicians, police chiefs, judges and MSM outlets would have insisted this was a racist murder.
Of course, the old gangsters, particularly Zanulabour need a steady influx of individuals like those who murdered Ben Kinsella, for their votes.
Also as part of the on-going British identity deconstruction programme.
Yes, I'm sure those who murdered Ben Kinsella regularly voted Labour at every election -- local, general and EU! What an excellent and well-thought-through point.
I've no idea how they voted, or even if they have ever voted.
My point was simply that Zanulab will bring in multitudes like them (read my actual statement), to stay in power via sympathetic bloc votes, regardless of the dire consequences for the host population.
I repeat, Zanulab/oldgangsters do not care about victims like Ben Kinsella. They care only about themselves and staying in power. So long as they can keep their collective snouts in the swill, the Devil can take the outermost, like Ben Kinsella and scores of others.
Or course it would have been considered a hate crime if the races were reversed.
Apologies if this offends – but that’s how it is. At most, the African Caribbean population of London is about 12% of the whole. But black males are responsible for nearly 60% of arrests for robbery – and the overwhelming majority of gun crime, most of it black-on-black violence.
If they (afro-carib) are 12% of the population, that means black males are about 5 or 6% committing 60% of the crime? But of course, this can't get out because that would destroy the popular image of the evil white man causing problems for blacks. The same problem exists in the US.
But not black females, note; they do well at school and are high achievers later on too. This is only a racist thing if you make it a racist thing.
Not surprised since the same disparity exists in the US. The question is why?
At the same time, we are reluctant to draw attention to the fatherless families in our black communities, the absence of male role models and teachers,
The whole "father absence" issue is blown way out of proportion if you ask me. Why, I bet the fathers aren't absent but simply not married to the mothers. It also smacks of "father worship" meaning families simply cannot survive or thrive unless a father is present. That's impossible to be true.
Back to the point, this notion simply provides an excuse for these males to assign blame to everyone else except themselves.
( Wrong statistics Rod - white male children are the bottom of the school educational tables in virtually all areas )DOL
I still find this hard to believe. Who is to blame for this? If white boys are falling behind in all areas, white families are to blame.
...multitudes like them...
I'm afraid I can't quite grasp what you're getting at there. Can you spell it out for the thickies please?
Lormarie trots our the line she has used before: "I still find this hard to believe. Who is to blame for this? If white boys are falling behind in all areas, white families are to blame."
Ok, then black kids are failing because black families are to blame.
Re: multitudes like them
For now, since some remnants of British sovereignty and parliamentary process persist, Zanulab/old gangsters have to stay in power by means of winning elections.
(A full EU-Common Purpose-Islamicist Alliance takeover will dispense with elections or make them a showcase only, as in Iran or Zimbabwe.)
Having alienated a huge proportion of their traditional voter support, the Brown cabal has to fill the gap somehow - e.g. by importing voters from overseas, with sweeteners like free food and lodging (not free to the British taxpayers). Even if these incomers aren't eligible to vote when they first fetch up on these shores, Brown and co. will find a way around that.
It doesn't matter what murky pasts, presents or potential futures these incomers will have, just so long as they vote Labour. If they disproportionately* maim and kill numerous indigenous whites, e.g. Ben Kinsella, Richard Whelan, Kriss Donald, Chris Yates, Mary Ann Leneghan etc. etc., well, you can't make an omelette without breaking eggs.
*See Tony Shell's definitive analysis, Racism Cuts Both Ways.
It's all part of the deconstruction of British Identity process as well.
Simple, really, even if not at first sight. You only have to work on the premise of a current regime that is as callous and corrupt as Mugabe's.
(If anyone thinks that is an unfair assessment of the present Westminster shower, please advise.)
(I suggest preserve this comment, even if you disagree with it. In a short time, it will doubtless be illegal to criticise those in the corridors of power in this country - to do so will incur an uninvited 'after-hours' visit by the old gangster equivalent of Mugabe's Harare Hitmen.)
“It is a form of racism, though, to assume that the problem is simply a given, and unalterable – but we have been hamstrung in our attempts to deal with it for reasons of political correctness.”
Liddle thinks that ‘something should be done’ about YBM crime, which is reasonable enough I guess if he’s right that something can be done. But his self-assigned problem is not only a British one, it obtains wherever YBMs live, regardless of majority/minority racial status, whatever the form of government and legal system, and despite all remedial efforts.
He claims, probably rightly, that reducing absent fatherhood would help, but this is just as intractable a problem as high crime rates in Black populations. If Liddle has solutions to these problems let’s hear them. Instant millionaire status awaits the man who can solve these problems which plague police forces and governments - and Black women across the world - not to mention the many White communities afflicted by Black crime.
There is a video on featuring Philip Beadle about the problem of YWM underachievement. Do see it everyone.
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