Here we see the utter bullshit logic of Political Correctness.
In Britain political correctness says ' we must use positive discrimination in order to give rights to minorities '.
In South Africa political correctness says ' we must remove the rights of minorities in order to give extra rights to the majority'.
And the white liberal and left wing mugs in the West dont even realise that they are removing the rights of their own children and consigning them to a future of misery and anti-white racism in the name of political correctness.
Liberalism is a mental illness.
Note how the mug of a Daily Mail reporter had to add this idiotic statement in the article below ;
Black people bare the brunt of most violence in townships surrounding the large cities but they often go unreported.
Yeah, they do but its blacks killing blacks.
The article is concerning RACIST crimes against whites, so this Daily Mail dickhead has to throw in some PC bullshit to obfuscate the issue of black on white racism.
This is why the media must be regarded as the enemies of democracy, for even when they print the truth they must spin it so as to assist the monstrous perversion of liberalism itself.
Then note this statement ;
"many of whom received little or poor education opportunities during apartheid. "
So if a poor education is an excuse for racism, then why are the white working class demonised when they vote BNP as the only way to protect themselves and their community interests ?
And if having a poor education means you should be rewarded with affirmative action under political correctness, then it should be the white working class in Britain who should be given the benefits of political correctness as they are the community that are failing the most in our multi-cultural society - but we all know that the facts are irrelevant when it comes to rewarding ethnic minorities, simply as they have the lobby groups and white leftist and liberal apologists on their side.
A white South African man has been granted refugee status in Canada after an immigration board ruled he faces persecution if he is returned to his native country.
Brandon Huntley, 31, from Cape Town, said he had been stabbed three times by black robbers, who called him a 'white dog' and a 'settler' - a reference to South Africa's colonial past based on racial apartheid.
He told the panel: 'There's a hatred of what we did to them and it's all about the colour of your skin.'
Board chairman William Davis said: 'I find the claimant would stand out like a sore thumb due to his colour in any part of the country.'
He claimed Mr Huntley's evidence showed 'a picture of indifference and inability or unwillingness of the South African government to protect white South Africans from persecution by African South Africans'.
It is thought to be the first time a white South African man has been granted refugee status in Canada claiming he was the victim of black aggression said his lawyer Russell Kaplan.
Speaking about black on white violence in South Africa, Mr Huntley said: 'There’s a hatred of what we did to them and it’s all about the colour of your skin.'
President Jacob Zuma's party favours non-whites so many white South Africans are moving abroad
Mr Huntley first travelled to Canada on a six-month work permit in 2004 to work as a carnival attendant.
He returned to South Africa and then went back to work in Canada in 2005 for a year and stayed illegally for an additional year until he made a refugee claim in April 2008.
He grew up in the affluent Cape Town suburb of Mowbray close to the slopes of the Devil’s Peak next to Table Mountain.
He told the paper: 'If you have got the money, you can protect yourself.'
Most middle class South African can afford 24-hours armed security, electric fences, guard dogs and security beams.
However many whites can’t and are seen as vulnerable to the country’s serious crime problem.
Mr Davis said Mr Huntley’s 'subjective fear of persecution remained constant and consistent” up to the time he made his refugee claim.
The board’s decision also took account of the lawyer’s sister, Laura Kaplan, 41, who left her native South Africa for Canada last year.
She testified that she had been threatened by armed black South Africans and said her brother Robert was left for dead after being shot three times and tortured during a violent burglary in 1997.
There are an average of 50 murders a day in South Africa, 150 rapes of women, 350 violent robberies, 40 car-jackings and 220 car thefts.
President Jacob Zuma has said fighting crime is his number one priority and ministers have wanted to give police wider licence to shoot criminals but the high crime and corruption rates remains stubborn.
Barely a day goes past without media reports of horrific crimes where victims are beaten or killed. Black people bare the brunt of most violence in townships surrounding the large cities but they often go unreported.
Many white South Africans have packed up and left, moving to Canada, Australia and the UK blaming crime and positive discrimination in the job market in favour of non-whites many of whom received little or poor education opportunities during apartheid.
Mr Davis said the evidence of Mr Huntley and Ms Kaplan 'show a picture of indifference and inability or unwillingness' of the South African government to protect 'white South Africans from persecution by African South Africans'.
Read more:
SA is a lose-lose situation, sadly.
Arthur Kemp points out that Apartheid was a lie but he also shows how under black majority rule, Jo'burg is fast degenerating into a derelict, crime-and-vandalism ridden hellhole.
At least no-one's got round to blaming the BNP for that, though.
Arthur Kemp under white minority rule blacks lived in slums,or third world conditions,and that was real hellholes
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