Britain is facing a wave of terrorist attacks on two fronts from a new generation of al-Qaeda extremists and Irish Republican militants who could strike on the mainland, the head of MI5 Jonathan Evans warns.
By Duncan Gardham, Security Correspondent
Published: 11:59PM BST 16 Sep 2010
Britiain facing wave of terrorist attacks, MI5 warns
jonathan Evans, the head of MI5, has briefed David Cameron and Nick Clegg on the threats Photo: AP
In his first public speech on the national security threat for three years, Mr Evans will say on Friday that his officers are engaged in an "intense struggle" against Muslim radicals and Irish nationalists.
It is only "a matter of time" before Britain is the victim of an attack from extremists based in Somalia, the director-general of the security service adds.
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There has been a "persistent rise in terrorist activity and ambition" in Northern Ireland over the past three years, says Mr Evans. Terrorists in Ulster are using increasingly sophisticated weaponry to launch "reckless" attacks that could kill civilians.
"While at present the dissidents' campaign is focused on Northern Ireland, we cannot exclude the possibility that they might seek to extend their attacks to Great Britain as violent Republican groups have traditionally done," he says.
Mr Evans, who has briefed David Cameron and Nick Clegg on the threats, says there remains "a serious risk of a lethal attack taking place".
"I see no reason to believe that the position will significantly improve in the immediate future," he adds.
He uses his speech to appeal to the Government not to abandon control orders, the measure under which terrorist suspects are electronically tagged and put under house arrest. There are nine suspects who are subject to the orders.
The Liberal Democrats had promised to scrap the measure and it is now being considered under a wider review of counter-terrorism legislation.
Whitehall sources have told The Daily Telegraph that control orders are likely to be retained in some form.
Mr Evans says MI5 is "committed to prosecutions wherever possible”, but adds: “It is a sad fact that for all sorts of good reasons terrorist threats can still exist which the criminal justice system cannot reach. The Government cannot absolve itself of the responsibility to protect its citizens just because the criminal law cannot, in the particular circumstances, serve the purpose.”
Mr Evans tells the Worshipful Company of Security Professionals in the City of London that every day, hundreds of officers were fighting an “intense struggle” to identify and investigate terrorists.
“The secret nature of this struggle makes it hard for those not directly involved to understand some of the skirmishes,” he adds. At any one time, MI5 had a “handful” of investigations that involved the “real possibility of a terrorist attack being planned against the UK”, he says. “Most turn out to be the real thing.”
The percentage of “priority” plots linked to al-Qaeda in the tribal areas of Pakistan had dropped from 75 per cent two years ago to 50 per cent now. The threat had increased from Somalia and Yemen.
Mr Evans says a “significant number” of British residents are training in camps run by the al-Qaeda-linked group al-Shabaab. As many as 100 Britons of Pakistani, Bangladeshi and West African backgrounds had travelled to Somalia.
The country “shows many of the characteristics that made Afghanistan so dangerous as a seedbed for terrorism in the period before the fall of the Taliban,” he says. “I am concerned that it is only a matter of time before we see terrorism on our streets inspired by those fighting alongside al-Shabaab.”
Mr Evans says there has been a “surge in casework” related to Yemen and adds: “There is a real risk that one of [preacher Anwar al-Awlaki’s] adherents will respond to his urging to violence and mount an attack in the UK.”
In Northern Ireland, there were now thought to be about 600 hardline Republicans involved in terrorist activity, around half the number during the peak of IRA activity in the 1980s, sources said.
The director-general says there are “increasing signs of co-ordination and co-operation between groups”, resulting in 30 attacks or attempted attacks this year. The terrorists were using a greater variety of techniques from shootings to large vehicle bombs. They had improved their capability in the use of explosives.
The vast majority of attacks had been directed at the security forces but Mr Evans says the terrorists have been “reckless, often putting members of the public at risk” with vague warnings of the type that resulted in the deaths of 29 civilians in Omagh in 1998.
MI5 is likely to face a budget cut of 10 per cent but sources said the agency believed it could cope with that level.
Mr Evans says the idea that every attack is preventable is a “nonsensical way to consider terrorist risk”. “Risk can be managed and reduced but it cannot realistically be abolished and if we delude ourselves that it can, we are setting ourselves up for a nasty disappointment,” he says.
So Evans is after more dosh then.
Wait - I thought the IRA had decommissioned all their weapons. I'm sure they told us that. Don't tell me they were lying and have now popped up as the Real IRA. Surely not. The Good Friday Agreement was ushered in by Tony Blair (who converted to Catholicism the moment he left office); John Reid (who became the Chairman of Celtic Football Club in Glasgow); and an assortment of Scottish mafia within his cabinet. This was an excuse to release all the terrorists who had inflicted horrors upon the British Mainland. Now - they're back. How surprising.
One word - STATE!
I don't want to over egg this mate, but WTF is Green Arrow ,alias Paul nasty Morris calling himself after a well known Marxist Traitor.
Doesn't it make you worry ??
Again, here is the link to the only and original Green Arrow, the so called comic writer-
QUOTE-"Although Green Arrow was not overtly political or religious when he was first introduced, he has over the years evolved into an outspoken and devout Liberal Marxist Communist".
The one and only editor was a well known hardcore Zionist Jew, goggle it-
... Mort Weisinger, US comic book and magazine editor; (Superman, Supergirl) .... Ben Hecht, US novelist, playwright, screenwriter and Zionist activist ...
That will further answer the Joker's analogy also, he almost had it right, however the facts are so harsh,he acts as the masses of Sheeple, he cannot even begin to conceive the truth, even when it is laid bare infront of him..
Now you tell me mate, WTF is a so called Nationalist doing deliberately aligning himself with a Marxist Zionist ??
I would appreciate your comments Lee, because I find it deeply worrying about what the worm knows about us as Nationalists and the Party ??
What a sick fuck he is...
I am sure that you will agree Lee, that I have maintained my position as completely neutral from the word go and that although I offered no support or condemnation of either side,I maintained my long term stead fast Loyalty to the cause.Also as you and many other nationalists know, I am and are still are very disappointed with the whole fiasco.
The only time I became agitated is when GA deliberately attempted to trick me, to try to assassinate your Character and just previously again, attempted to bully me into submission; who the fk does he think he is.
We have a very strong Wales team and excellent committed management , who are completely loyal and supportive of the BNP and the individuals like yourself who has devoted much of your time to Nationalism .Although none of us condone any of it from any side.
we will not be divided in any way whatsoever.
Least of all by a proper bully, who has not got the guts to even apologise for his outrageous actions.
Some people may say, but what about Butler,Nick etc etc, that is not my business or my concern and that will be the position for the foreseeable future.
I tried to complete a voice over to a few weeks after this almost came to an end, to encourage decency, respect and a way that we can all mutually bring this to a swift conclusion before it seriously damaged the Party, but again, it was deliberately suppressed by GA ,as he compounded this position even further.
I am also completely aware that you have bit your tongue regarding my inability to see it one way or the other, however you have demonstrated your decency "again" to show me and all other activists what GA has failed and that is to maintain respect and tolerance for me and your fellow Nationalists.
When I see decent Nationalists attacked after many years of loyal service , it makes me want to puke;all of us know , this is not the way !!
There still is only one direction for all of us and that is firm resistance against the Fascist monster that is known as the LIb/Lab/Con, fragmented we will fall !!
EXTANT.... You seem to have an obsessive hatred of GA, there was a comic book hero called green arrow but their are also other "Green Arrow" references out there if you care to look, for example there is the beautiful green arrow train...
As mentioned before, GA calls himself Green Arrow after a guy who used to write articles to a newspaper... nothing whatsoever to do with the comic book hero you keep quoting.
You have a grudge against GA because he is successful in the work he does for the party and you can't handle that so have scoured the internet looking to try and blacken his good name. You have no idea why he calls himself the Green Arrow so stop pretending you do and go and get a life.
Is it a coincidence that GA had an article on his web only last week attempting to defile the Pope. Need I elaborate how the Pope is an Icon of not just our faith, but the whole of our culture.
A few weeks prior he wrote an article ,again, attacking a "white Christian family" for claiming benefits and having 12 children who we are paying for.
Need I explain the significance ?!
Just before that he had an article showing a 17 year old "white boy" who had over 600 criminal convictions and what scum he was..
Today he has wrote an article about a Asian girl who is not Welsh and is a horrible rich spoilt brat.
I know this family very well, in fact she went to the same private school my Daughter went to.They go Ice skating together on a regular basis. Her father is a 3rd generation Immigrant, who is not Muslim and is completely integrated into our society.
The Fascist scum bag is attempting to bring us down to the gutter by attacking a child publicly!! Does this sort of press help the BNP remain a fringe party or not ????
What will he do next; show Mary Popping and Florence Nightingale were lesbians and how they make him feel sick.
He has explained to hundreds of people that he called Green Arrow after a comic book, and the writer of that book died. It was his way of bringing his Idol back to life. The one and only Green Arrow he named himself after, is a fkn Marxist Communist Zionist activist Jew. FACT...
GA worked for Zionist Jews for over 15 years
GA is Circumcised
He oppresses spectacular News for the BNP, then pushes out garbage.
He stamps on talented activists
Now if there were anyone who has trawled the Internet to try and prove what Green Arrow is, it is you. A Green Locomotive; you fucking Imbecile !!
There was only one Green Arrow Comic Book writer and yes there is only one comic book writer called Green Arrow who died and yes there was only one Green Arrow writer who was a Communist/Fascist/Activist Zionist.
Here is the link for you again, you spastic-
Remember this, you are fkn with someone who has been completely successful all their lives at whatever he does, I have the ability single handedly to take this to what ever level and as far as I wish !!
At this moment, I am playing with you...
I don't need someone to lean on , nor do I need support , slander or attacks on myself or any Loyal Nationalist will prove futile and very embarrassing for you to say the least!
I may even have a complete web dedicated to the Communist Zionist Marxist Arrow with a great voice over and pay for it to be the top of the Google list for 6 months!! As you know, peanuts for me :O)
Be very Careful mind CC, because I know much more than I am telling, but I will wait ;o)
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