It is the equivalent of finding extraterrestrial life on earth, it is like finding out that some people are the products of an alien species mating with their ancestors.
Yet it will go unmarked, and barely remembered.
The fact that the DNA of Modern Europeans contains up to 4 % of Neanderthal DNA proves that we are a distinct species of humanity, our race is more than just a social construct - it is a sign that we are a distinct strain of the human species.
We are Cro-Magnon Neanderthal Hybrids, not just Homo Sapiens.
We are the children of the North, our bloodlines in these lands travel back to a period long before Homo Sapiens even evolved, through our Neanderthal ancestors.
Unfortunately it also shows humanity will shag anything and change by interbreeding is built in to the system.
Unfortunately it also shows humanity will shag anything and change by interbreeding is built in to the system.
This is what I have long believed and it is great that it is now proved true. So if we Europeans have on average 4% Neandenthal genes which black Africans do not, then we are at least as removed from them genetically as we are from chimps are we not?!
"Unfortunately it also shows humanity will shag anything and change by interbreeding is built in to the system."
This is an unfair comment. There were a few people who must have bred with the Neanderthals, from whom red hair and blonde hair and possibly blue eyes may have entered our gene pool. The resultant hybrids also had offspring and the genes from this process
eventually ended up being absorbed into the gene pool.
It is possible that we also got bigger brains, artistic talent and certain other valuable and attractive genes as a result of this, and so natural selection and sexual selection allowed these particular genes to continue to be passed on while other genes will have been lost.
The normal process of evolution is not hybridisation but kladogenesis (separating and speciating) but occasionally some genes are introduced into the process of continual branching out by some peripheral hybridisation.
It should not be seen as comparable to wholescale miscegenation (together with avoidance of natural selection) such as we are having virtually forced upon our enfeebled race by mass immigration today.
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