A group of young kids are playing on their skateboards when some gang banger piece of shit comes along and pushes a gun into this kids face.
Watch the video to see what happens next.
I would have taken the skateboard and then methodically broken first both his legs then his arms.
I would have then taken the gun off of him and then just shot him a couple of times.
That way I would have been safe and certain he wasnt carrying a concealed weapon and could still be a threat.
You pull a gun on someone, then expect to die.
Congratulations to the kid for keeping calm.
If it had been me there would have been one dead gang banger less in the world.
The price of appeasement
OMG....take a look at this vid it's completely shocking !!!
Looovely vid :O)
I give you my word that 3 years ago when my Daughter was just 13/14 she was in Cardiff with a few of her freinds and a gang of Samalis came up to them and pulled a gun out.
One of the Samalis put the gun in my daughters freinds ear and pulled the trigger , lucky it was a blank, but it still perferated his eardrum and he still only has partial hearing in the one ear because of it.
The Police were called at the time and they didnt even turn up at the scene.
I only found out about it a few months ago. she told me she didnt tell me at the time, because she thought she would have a row for going to the fountains in Cardiff because I had previously told her never to go there.
I did know at the time that the Samalis and other invaders hang about there praying on young white girls
Do not follow the media's suggestions that you seek redress in the courts for "hate" crime.
This only legitimises your servitude under the auspices of Noachide Law. Such courts have nothing to do with European Law which seeks justice in the context of the truth.
These courts of "Human Rights" are Talmudic in nature, as such, we others whether Black White Brindle or Avatar Blue, who are not fully human in the eyes of the talmudists, are accorded no "rights" what so ever.
The desired outcome of these courts is to destroy all peoples who are not fully human in the cycloptic and jaundiced eye of the court..This is the purpose of multiculturalism. To destroy all races and peoples so as to manufacture a bi-polarity of species, one with a soul, and the other just beastial meat and flesh as a back reference for those deemed fully "Human"..
The other races which are purposely use to inundate the UK are also innocents in this game...
The political immigration apparatus is where the memetic virus resides and requires an exorcism to remove the magi that power its evil.
You couldnt break into a sweat , you stupid ILLEGAL BASTARD.
One of the million Mexican invading colonising criminal filth
Yes time to fightback
Big Somali Population in West Cardiff
all free housing and no work
The following report does nothing to negate the level of violence and threat endemic in the U.K. It is this that should be condemned. To draw attention to the nationality of the culprit (in this case a Somali spelt with an O) has little relevance other than to those that enjoy escalating friction between races. Reference to "invaders" is a subjective reaction. It is quite likely that as the location was Cardiff, the Somali's had every right to be there. They have been there for over three generations.
Three recent shootings in the UK causing the death of five people were inflicted by white British subjects.
I give you my word that 3 years ago when my Daughter was just 13/14 she was in Cardiff with a few of her friends and a gang of Samalis came up to them and pulled a gun out.
One of the Samalis put the gun in my daughters friends ear and pulled the trigger , lucky it was a blank, but it still perforated his eardrum and he still only has partial hearing in the one ear because of it.
The Police were called at the time and they didnt even turn up at the scene.
I only found out about it a few months ago. she told me she didnt tell me at the time, because she thought she would have a row for going to the fountains in Cardiff because I had previously told her never to go there.
I did know at the time that the Samalis and other invaders hang about there preying on young white girls
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