The images above are taken from todays EDL march in Newcastle - and as you can see (according to the stormfront retards) they are all Zionists, infiltrators from Mossad and the enemies of British Nationalism.
Stormfront Britain is run by retards and half the posters on the site are reds pretending to be Nazis.
Stormfront Britain = total mugs.
Even Nick and Simon Darby agree with the view I share that the EDL are a Zionist organisation. How more blatant could it even be?! Just look at the links on their website.
As for pseudo "Nazis" criticising the EDL, let's not forget that Islam is not the only historical immune response to the poison of the "hostile elite" as Prof Kevin MacDonald refers to them.
So lets get this straight Jane - Islam is our ally and the EDL our enemy.
What fantastic logic.
The UDA, UVF, RHC and UFF in Loyalist areas of Northern Ireland all flew Israeli flags in loyalist areas of Northern Ireland and also waved Israeli flags on demonstrations - did that make them Zionists too ?
The EDL use the Israeli flag to wind the Muslims up - and the EDL is about as zionist as my arse.
Nick and Simon made those statements about the EDL over 18 months ago as a conjecture before the facts about the nature of the EDL became known - and I know that as I have been involved in the debates on the EDL.
The fact is that the EDL is as Zionist as the Loyalists were, which means they are not Zionist.
Like the Loyalists the EDL fly the Israel flag as a way to wind up the Islamists - the same way the Loyalists flew the Israeli flag in Northern Ireland in order to wind up the PLO supporting Sinn Fein / IRA.
Its all about winding the opposition up.
Try and study a bit of history on this issue before you make shallow, and unfounded, allegations.
As for the idea that Islam is our ally and the EDL is the enemy of British Nationalism, then Jane I am sorry but that is simply fucking insane.
You know that I am an outspoken critic of Zionism - but to say that because we oppose Zionism we should support Islamism is bonkers.
One doesnt take ones bollocks out of the mouth of the Zionist crocodile and then trust the Islamist tiger and out your bollocks in its mouth.
Zionism and Islamism are the mortal enemies of Britain, Europe and the British and European people.
Both must be removed from our nation.
Jane/mrlateo/Anon is hotfoot from Green Arrows, Lee.
These prats are so dim.
Lee your fixation with SF is dragging your blog down, no one really cares what the reds and bitter souls of SF think.
I think the BNP should ignore them and focus on it's own afairs.
As for the EDL, they could be a tool used to smash the BNP if infiltraitd at the top and large enough.
We must remember that at some point the NWO will need to destoy the islamists as they are the threat to them long term, while they serve the purpose of aiding their agenda short term.
If the BNP allows the EDL to demonise the BNP, push multi culti yet demonise one main group that serves the interests for now of the NWO and it's wars in the middle east, then you may as well give up now.
What we need is our own group, get it large enough where people are not afraid to join and watch it grow, 80 - 90% of the EDL I presume are sympathetic to the BNP, we could highjack their movement rather than the other way round, which is what it appears to be from my view.
The EDL is probably a far greater threat to the BNP than the UAF and that could have been planned from the start.
Also remember the UAF no longer serve the NWO, they are a spent and discredited group, so if they can no longer attack the movement they highjack it and twists its agenda to a NWO one.
Jane, that comment about the guy holding the young lad was just silly.
You have obviously never met a working class bloke who works on the roads, motorways, or a scaffolder or a brickie who work outside in the sun all day - he has a tan.
I have mates who work on the motorways repairing the roads out in the sun all day and by September they as dark skinned as Bob Marley with sun bleached hair.
In fact my mates dad, a retired scaffolder, has just had a tumour removed from his face after working outside in the open air for fifty years. So insulting working men I will not allow.
To slur a patriot in the way you did was unaccapetable and I am not going to post the comment.
1) How could the EDL infiltrate the BNP ?
2) The BNP and the EDL are not connected in any way - and rightfully so - so what the EDL says about the BNP and the BNP about the EDL is irrelevant.
3) Islam is the enemy of everything that Nationalism stands for.
4) The NWO is the enemy of everything nationalism stands for - but to say Islamism is our ally as the NWO opposes Islamism is like saying ' we oppose rabies but support smallpox' - get a fucking grip.
5) The EDL and the BNP just need to ignore each other and do their own thing - this blog is my blog not a BNP blog and I post on what I think, not BNP policy.
6) Linking the BNP and EDL will destroy both groups in one go - they must remain apart.
7) The EDL is no threat to the BNP in any way. The EDL are a single issue protest group, not a political party.
8) The UAF are and always have been a Socialist Workers Party front group, and they have never been anything else but a puppet group of the Far Left.
The SF/Guardain/UAF trolls and mongs are scared, Lee.
Gratifying eh ;-)
They make out the EDL and BNP are the same to scare the public, and end op scaring themselves.
Ha-ha! Bunch of losers!
Prisoners of their own device :-)
Wolfblood said...
Jane/mrlateo/Anon is hotfoot from Green Arrows, Lee.
These prats are so dim.
29 May 2010 13:02
Hotfoot from Green Arrows?
I think you will find that is you, and rather than dismiss people as dim and other name calling why don't you simply enter the debate without being hostile.
We are all aiming for the same goals yet you seem intent on causing friction, perhaps you are a red hotfoot from SF?
Wolfblood - sounds like a typical neo Nazi name.
See we can all make pathetic jibes, it's not hard!
Now play nice or get lost, the cause does not need your kind.
Defender of Liberty said...
1) How could the EDL infiltrate the BNP ?
I never said they would???
2) The BNP and the EDL are not connected in any way - and rightfully so - so what the EDL says about the BNP and the BNP about the EDL is irrelevant.
nonsense, the EDL is a growing movement that has rocketed in size in only a year or so, as i said much of the core edl support is BNP light, they generally sypaphise with us but won't go the extra mile just yet, as the media portray us as too extreme. The EDL further entrench this view by slating the BNP at every chance in order to not appear extreme and grab the nationalists light that may given time be attracted to the BNP, yet instead have joined a group that demonises the BNP and embraces multiculti while appering to be a nationalist type cause, it leads people away from the BNP not too it and considering its growing size this is a real issue, people that were close to supporting the BNP now listen to a anti BNP extremists and multi culti mantra as I already explained.
3) Islam is the enemy of everything that Nationalism stands for.
Did I say otherwise?
4) The NWO is the enemy of everything nationalism stands for - but to say Islamism is our ally as the NWO opposes Islamism is like saying ' we oppose rabies but support smallpox' - get a fucking grip.
I never said it was an ally unless you are refering to Jane?
5) The EDL and the BNP just need to ignore each other and do their own thing - this blog is my blog not a BNP blog and I post on what I think, not BNP policy.
Post what you like, i am just giving my point of view and you yours, the BNP needs to study the EDL closly not ignore it, we may be able to learn from it regarding street action.
6) Linking the BNP and EDL will destroy both groups in one go - they must remain apart.
I am not suggesting we link, rather form our own EDL like action group if it appears advantagous, still undecided but the growth of the EDL is hard to ignore.
7) The EDL is no threat to the BNP in any way. The EDL are a single issue protest group, not a political party.
First see earlier answers, second you said the other day that the EDL was making noises about UKIP, make your mind up!
8) The UAF are and always have been a Socialist Workers Party front group, and they have never been anything else but a puppet group of the Far Left.
29 May 2010 13:15
I think the UAF go further than just being a puppet of the far left, whether they knew it or not, I don't see the far left SWP propagandised by the media but i do see the UAF and its broad backing of NWO policy propagandised by the media. they were a usefull tool to the NWO more than the SWP which gained nexted to nothing from the UAF.
Yet the NWO gained much or so it thought from the UAF and made sure the UAF got away with anything it liked, that goes deeper than simply being puppets of the far left!
Defender of Liberty said...
1) How could the EDL infiltrate the BNP ?
I never said they would???
-- You said " As for the EDL, they could be a tool used to smash the BNP if infiltraitd at the top and large enough. " So I assumed that was what you meant.
2) The BNP and the EDL are not connected in any way - and rightfully so - so what the EDL says about the BNP and the BNP about the EDL is irrelevant.
nonsense, the EDL is a growing movement that has rocketed in size in only a year or so, as i said much of the core edl support is BNP light, they generally sypaphise with us but won't go the extra mile just yet, as the media portray us as too extreme. The EDL further entrench this view by slating the BNP at every chance in order to not appear extreme and grab the nationalists light that may given time be attracted to the BNP, yet instead have joined a group that demonises the BNP and embraces multiculti while appering to be a nationalist type cause, it leads people away from the BNP not too it and considering its growing size this is a real issue, people that were close to supporting the BNP now listen to a anti BNP extremists and multi culti mantra as I already explained.
-- The EDL attacks the BNP as much as the BNP has attacked the EDL. The EDL is not Multi-cultural, it is NATIONALIST in that it says if you are British, oppose Islam and support the British people you are welcome to join - which funnily enough is what the new BNP constitution virtually says.
3) Islam is the enemy of everything that Nationalism stands for.
Did I say otherwise?
- Good. That we can all agree on.
4) The NWO is the enemy of everything nationalism stands for - but to say Islamism is our ally as the NWO opposes Islamism is like saying ' we oppose rabies but support smallpox' - get a fucking grip.
I never said it was an ally unless you are refering to Jane?
- just clearing the issue up for the benefit of all readers of the comments.
5) The EDL and the BNP just need to ignore each other and do their own thing - this blog is my blog not a BNP blog and I post on what I think, not BNP policy.
Post what you like, i am just giving my point of view and you yours, the BNP needs to study the EDL closly not ignore it, we may be able to learn from it regarding street action.
- I agree. But the BNP strategy must be very different to the EDL one, and I have already planned it out.
6) Linking the BNP and EDL will destroy both groups in one go - they must remain apart.
I am not suggesting we link, rather form our own EDL like action group if it appears advantagous, still undecided but the growth of the EDL is hard to ignore.
- I agree.
7) The EDL is no threat to the BNP in any way. The EDL are a single issue protest group, not a political party.
First see earlier answers, second you said the other day that the EDL was making noises about UKIP, make your mind up!
-- The EDL is not ALAN LAKE who was suggesting a UKIP / EDL alliance and he has now resigned from the EDL - and that is good as the guys idea on merging the EDL with UKIp was simply idiotic.
8) The UAF are and always have been a Socialist Workers Party front group, and they have never been anything else but a puppet group of the Far Left.
I think the UAF go further than just being a puppet of the far left, whether they knew it or not, I don't see the far left SWP propagandised by the media but i do see the UAF and its broad backing of NWO policy propagandised by the media. they were a usefull tool to the NWO more than the SWP which gained nexted to nothing from the UAF.
Yet the NWO gained much or so it thought from the UAF and made sure the UAF got away with anything it liked, that goes deeper than simply being puppets of the far left!
-- The UAF are supported by the corporate media as the corporate media are the enemies of the EDL and the BNP and the nationalists. If the EDL were 'Zionists' dont you think the corporate media would be far more supportive of them !!
The UAF are the useful idiots of the corporate media, just as the Liberals are the useful idiots of the communists.
If the EDL were Zionists then the media would be licking their arses big time - instead they call them fascists / thugs / nazis etc.
You know that any Zionist organisation is adored by the media - therefore the EDL are not zionist.
"5) The EDL and the BNP just need to ignore each other and do their own thing - this blog is my blog not a BNP blog and I post on what I think, not BNP policy.
6) Linking the BNP and EDL will destroy both groups in one go - they must remain apart."
Spot on for reasons i can't be arsed to explain. They should remain two completely separate but non-hostile organisations.
nb It's possible for something started (or partly started) by bad people for bad reasons to turn into something good by accident.
I firmly believe that there is an attempt on by our pro-international-Zionist state to encourage full support of Israel and the wars in the the middle east and against the other "rogue" nations they dislike. They want all nationalist organisations to view Geert Wilders' policy as the answer. They hoped that the EDL would get the BNP to consider this route and I fear this could happen.
Islam is only the enemy in as much as it involves a foreign colonisation. But it doesn't HAVE TO involve this. The world's most infamous nationalist once pointed out that had the white race adopted Islam with a racial expansionist mentality the whole world would be White today.
Meanwhile - we have been thoroughly poisoned by the sick semitic culture distorters. They have us in a strangle-hold effectively. Imagine being in a stranglehold, almost certain to die, being forcefed poison - and then another old enemy (Muslims) come along and start stabbing your attacker so you react by trying to stop the Muslims just because... well because WHY exactly?! I think we could deal with any threat from them a lot better once we have the Jew off our back, so I reckon we should do what he least suspects. Islam could buy us some time.
Not expecting this to happen though as history shows humans always do the stupidest thing imaginable. And we will just help our worst enemy - how typical.
If the British people can be thought of as a mass of soldiers on a battlefield, the enemies being the NWO, Islam, Communism who work together.
The divided British people need to work together because our enemies are working together.
It's standard military strategy to divide and then conquer the enemy and the British people are divided.
One of the things going on is that the masses are being emotionally steered, for example the use of assylum seekers, African poverty etc is used to psychologically manipulate the British into accepting mass immigration when the best thing to do would be for the British people to say no , if we weren't causing wars and civil unrest in their country there would be no need for assylum seekers, if Western Europeans were not stealing African Gold, Oil, Diamonds, and other minerals there would be no African Poverty.
It never seems to dawn on people that if Africa has all of these resources, why are Africans poor ?
The Africans are poor because their wealth is being Stolen, by Shell and BP, by the D Beer, by the Rothschilds who install puppet dictators.
If Gordon Brown or Cameron really were interested in poverty they would ask why are Africans poor when Africa has so much wealth.
It is little points like this that prove that assylum is a fraud, civil unrest is used in Africa to distract the masses while Africas wealth is stolen from under their very noses.
War and civil unrest in Africa serves multiple purposes, it creates distraction alllowing African wealth to be stolen while Africans fight and squabble.
This also creates mass migrations, which can be used to Destroy western civilization.
On a certain level war and death and starvation in Africa are a win win win situation for those who engineer these events.
If Kameron's Buddies, the Rothschilds, the De Beers, Shell oil, BP were not creating unrest and Plundering Africa, there would be no poverty in Africa, the only movement between Africa and Europe would be Trade and Tourism.
The thing I'm trying to point out is that all of this can be engineered using only Psychological manipulation.
Hatreds stirred up between African People, to destroy African Unity, False Compassion used in Western Europe to get us to accept mass western civilization destroying migration.
Most of what is being done is through Psychological manipulation, with a few false flag events to fan the flames.
The EDL are now a significant movement but their masses are being told that ALL BNP policies are evil and therefore the BNP should not be supported, the Libertarian movement are similarly prevented from linking up with the BNP main force, the English democrats, Plaid, SNP, UKIP.
The British Peoples army on the field of Battle is divided, I think the leaders of all the disparate groups need to set up a meeting and discuss how they can work together to save our civilization, our country.
I think it should include as many people as possible because there will be establishment moles.
The indigenous British people need to stop being played, stop allowing themselves being divided up, we need to work together or we are going to be exterminated.
I think anyone who opposes even high level talks with the BNP and other groups is very possibly part of the establishment.
Taking the military analogy again, it does not even mean we should vote the same way, there are Conservative MP's out there whose election would be beneficial for BNP.
In the same way, Royal Marines, The RAF, and Navy will work together in a co ordinated fashion in a battle.
The differeing factionss inn the British peoples army need to work in a co ordinated fashion.
Does animosity between UKIP, EDL, BNP serve the greater good of our nation and people.
With regards to African Poverty, perhaps the best thing that British people could do for Africa is not Aid, not Assylum but to ask their MP, who owns most of the African Gold, the African Oil, African Diamonds.
Maybe a BNP sponsored series of petitions aimed at MP's would not only begin to educate the public but many of our Brain dead MP's about what is really going on in the world which is essentially, when all said and done, mass murder and theft and the leaders of our political parties are merely the propaganda front for these actions.
Why has brown, or clegg or kameron never asked what happens to the Gold, who benefits from the oil, Who really benefits from African Diamonds.
Adrian is spot on.
Take Hodge/Oppenheimers African "interests", for example.
Its about time the BNP start to educate and inform, and stop being so bloody stuffy, retentive, obdurate and obtuse.
Churchill is out, and now its bloody Cromwell ffs, what next, Napoleon?
They just never listen.
Hitler never went near Indians, the aryan race never existed, aryans were an ancient Indian priesthood practising a vedic religion, if you enter a vedic temple you will find swastikas. They never were a race or people it was a priesthood from India.
A pack of Bu****it made up by catholic germans to claim genetic superiority to everyone else. its my opinion why dont they go back there!!!
The real IRA are on the march. The struggle for Irish freedom is not over. The war is still to be one. Ireland unfree shall never be at peace. We will stand side by side with our Muslim brothers, and fill more brit bodybags. Your brave boys. HA!. are cannon fodder for the mujahdeen.
UP THE PROVOS!!!. our day has come!
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