Thanks for the lift suckers !
Thats a freebie funded by the UAF !
Cognitive Dissidence, The mechanism of warfare and subversion for intellectual revolutionaries.
This is the perfect means to cause the UAF massive problems, next year we should get loads of people to use the UAF coaches for a lift, they will be eaten up with paranoia. LOL.
I partly agree with Andraste,
Make much of us using the buses with as much publicity as possible to spark mass paranoia but actually using the busses is not such a good idea should it spark trouble when they will be more alert.
Just listened to Nicks closing speech at the RWB, I have to say it was probably the worst speech I have heard Nick make.
It was very, very negative, It was depresing in fact.
The only highlight i found was Nicks insistance of fighting back the media, no longer prepared to play the nice guy and be walked all over, no longer prepared to back peddle the party in front of the media.
I had hoped this would come about and i think it is about time, it is near impossible to win and atgument and get your points across on the defensive.
Lastly i was disapointed in Nicks refusal to welcome the underclass again, Nick has to see them as the biggest victims and embrace them offering them not charity but a future and help in obtaining that future embrace them all the same each and every British person. Not highlight them and single them out for victimisation and cheap point scoring like some crass ignorant Tory
There is a massive sea of underclass crying out for direction, Nick needs to lead them and guide them, not scapgoat them.
This is not a time to demonise any group of British people and does not bode well for the future hopes of the party.
The message should be that the BNP can lift every British man woman and child, regardless of background and past, a message of hope, not a message that we wish to leave a group behind in the dirt or that we are so big and powerful that we can afford to do so.
Nick really needs some lessons in motivational skills and moving the party forward from all social spectrums.
Dismissing fops and the underclass is rather an attitude we can ill afford as well as being devisive.
The main problem for nationalism since 1945 has been the demonisation by the media largely financed by those with another ethnic agenda. People with intelligence, leadership skills,and motivation have been terrified to identify themselves with nationalism because of the resulting stigmatisation by the whole mainstream media. Now we have the chance to break this with the collapse in newspaper sales and the advance of internet readership. By attracting this group the BNP has a hope of power. The underclass will still be there living on social security and watching the tellie however they will not provide the leadership for the changes we all want to see. If the BNP were to concentrate on this group they would make no progress because by and large the underclass do not bother to vote.
"The underclass will still be there living on social security and watching the tellie however they will not provide the leadership for the changes we all want to see. If the BNP were to concentrate on this group they would make no progress because by and large the underclass do not bother to vote"
I am not saying `concentrait` resources, I am not saying these people will be the leaders as Nick was putting forward, But Nick dismisses them and demonises them over and over, he puts other groups ahead of this most deprived group of his own kith and kin, who's grand parents fought in the world wars - these are their flesh and blood, THEY have been betrayed.
and now Nick constantly betrays them, not just this speech but many, which is why I am writing here to highlight this crass scapegoating, adding to the damaging racist attack on his own, where all are free to demonise this group - no other group just this one!
These people need to be given hope, these people often have hope for their children just as you do, they are not all beasts as people would like to depict them as to give themselfs a feeling of superiority, many are caught in a poverty trap. To demonise them, stigmatise them, branding them chavs is playing right into the elites hands, it is racist disowning of you own people, a people who are a victim of the elites, the ultimate victims.
You should be beating the Tories with their predicament not beating the victims!
We should be highlighting what the elites have done to these people as a sign of how `they` have been failed. not just get another stick to beat them with like the Sun or the Tories.
offer them hope, hope for their children at the very least.
Nick said we were smarter and had plans, well let's be smart not Sun style crass!
I will also remind you that while a large percentage of the underclass do not currently vote - some do, and in an election one vote is enough.
The single mother in the benefits trap hears Nick indirectly demonising her - well say goodbye to that potential vote while the Torys and Labour rub their hands with glee at another party demonising and highlighting a failing poor white group.
That is madness and un - nationalistc!
I don't want a bleeding heart brigade offering tea and sypathy, I want the BNP to highlight the tragedy of it and the failour of the other parties and i'd like to see the BNP illustraiting how it can fix this issue through education and investment than just the Tory big stick and nothing but a big stick approach while they flood the country with cheap labour and exagerate the problem one more time.
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