Image - note the 'Paki4lyf' thug jumping in the air on the left in order to try and kill the boy by crushing his skull. That was attempted murder.

Image - The lad covered in blood after the dogs in the mob attacked him. Gutless fucking UAF and 'Paki4lyf' shit.
Not content with beating a lone defenceless white lad nearly to death in Birmingham yesterday, the 'Paki4lyf' shit and the UAF shit then were filmed stealing the lads wallet and money from him whilst he is lying unconscious on the floor with his head smashed in.
In the images above note the 'paki4lyf' peice of scum jumping in the air in order to crush the boys skull whilst he is unconscious on the floor - big, brave fucking lads eh jumping on an unconscious lads head.
Watch the video here and see the UAF and their 'Pakis4lyf' scum robbing the boys pockets as he lays on the ground.
Where is the video Lee?
Top of the comments on the BNP article I have provided the link too.
According to the EDL, this young lad had absolutely nothing to do with the protest.
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