A few weeks ago people will remember the articles in the Guardian where the chairman of the Black Lawyers Association, Peter Herbert, said he wanted the people who distributed leaflets about muslims and the heroin trade to be taken to court even though the CPS knew they would not get a prosecution in order to send a signal out to people that such 'ideas' were unacceptable in our pathetically politically correct country.
Well its appears that Baroness Scotland, the Attorney General, has listened to the Peter Herbert and decided to use the CPS as a weapon to enforce political correctness.
The National Association of Muslim Police have also been putting pressure on the CPS to prosecute the case - even though they all know they wont win the case.
This is simply a sop to the muslim block vote to bribe them to vote labour.
This should be a very interesting trial.
They will have to prove that the leaflets incited religious hatred or were likely too.
The CPS know they cant win the case, but they have decided to waste public money trying to bolster the Muslim block vote - and announced this news the same day that the simpering homosexual Shahid Malik has stated that the government extremist strategy has been changed in order not to alienate the Muslim block vote in the lead up to the next general election.
No doubt this trial will begin just before the next election in order for the labour party candidates to go to the muslims in their constituency and beg them to vote for the labour party.
Its so obvious its embarrassing !
This means we can use this as a propaganda coup - we will have demonstrations, free speech campaigns, protests outside the courts and a campaign to defend this great British patriot who is a defender of free speech.
The problem for the CPS will be that The Daily Star has already stated the exact same thing as in the article below.
22nd February 2009 By Scott Hesketh
TERROR chiefs plan to flood our streets with heroin in a terrifying plot to wage “chemical jihad” on Britain.
And they have been using hate-filled Muslim gangs as their UK dealers.
Pakistani and Afghan-based al-Qaida and Taliban warlords are sitting on a £6billion stash of deadly heroin.
And they have ordered their dealers to sell it only to non-Muslims.
The ruthless racket is a two-pronged attack which peddles death and misery with heroin while netting massive sums to pay for future terror attacks.
A senior security source told the Daily Star Sunday: “The Afghan poppy fields are probably the biggest financial contributor to al-Qaida and the Taliban.
“The UK’s heroin trade is increasing at an alarming rate and most of the cash helps arm terrorists with bombs and guns.”
The US has already been targeted in the evil campaign which mirrors a terror plot in the new James Bond novel Devil May Care.
Between 1990 and 2005 Taliban-linked drug peddler Haji Baz Mohammed raked in a staggering £17billion by pouring heroin into North America.
He told a US court that “selling heroin was a jihad because they were taking Americans’ money and the heroin was killing them”.
Now the fanatics have made the UK their top target. A whopping 30 tonnes of heroin is being smuggled into Britain every year.
The drug is grown in the Afghan badlands and bought for £1,500 a kilo in neighbouring Pakistan.
It’s finally sold on Britain’s streets, often in the backs of cabs or over kebab shop counters, at between £30 and £50 a gram.
Asian gangs are operating in South London, Luton, Preston, Manchester, Leeds, Oldham, Birmingham and Bradford.
Our investigators went on the hunt for heroin in Luton and did a deal in the back of a taxi.
Pulling out a handful of wraps, the driver said: “I’ll sort you a fix for £10 but a gram’s £50. It’s knockout gear.” Asked where the drugs came from he said: “Poppy fields between Pakistan and Afghanistan.
“The big bosses have Taliban and al-Qaida connections and we’re often told only to deal it to non-Muslims. They call it chemical jihad and hope to ruin lives while getting massive payouts at the same time.
“I’m more interested in the money. I knock it out to anyone, whatever their beliefs.
“But there are lots of big-hitters who only sell to non-Muslims – to poison them.”
One of the Asian gangs is the so-called Gambino clan – a 100-strong mob named after the notorious US crime family.
A 40-year-old small-time dealer turned Christian told us: “The Gambinos are the Pakistani Muslim gang that control most of the drug trade in Luton – and they’ve all got good connections to al-Qaida.
“Heroin and crack are on sale 24 hours a day and they get local taxi drivers to drive the gear around and do deals.
“It’s a massive business. They’re untouchable.”
But the gangs are leaving a trail of misery. Just ask hollow-eyed junkie Greg Yates, one of 280,000 addicts in the UK.
Huddled up and shaking on a bridge near Luton rail station, the 42-year-old former mechanic told us his £80-a-day habit had destroyed his life.
“I can’t function without the hits,” he sobbed. “I’ve lost my job, my home and my family.
“Heroin has killed me.”
Another problem will be the fact that the global heroin trade is inextricably linked with Muslims even in non-Islamic nations - such as the article below reveals about the second main production area of heroin in The Golden Triangle ;
Well we all know about 90% of opium/heroin comes out of Afghanistan, now what about the other 10% ?
Here is some little known facts
Islam is Thailand's largest religious minority, comprising about 10 per cent of the total population. Most of today's Muslims are concentrated in the southernmost provinces bordering Malaysia; Narathiwat, Pattani, Yala, Songkhla and Satun. They are predominantly of ethnic Malay stock and speak a dialect known as Yawi. But unknown to most, in Thailand's far north there are also substantial numbers of followers of the Prophet Mohammed, descended from overland traders of Turkic-Chinese extraction.
Islam and opium both first came to Southeast Asia with seafaring Arab and Persian traders and adventurers in the 8th century. They settled in the Malay Peninsula, set up businesses, took local wives and raised their children according to the principles of Shari'ah law. By the end of the 10th century they had established a substantial Muslim community but it wasn't until the great SE Asian Hindu-Buddhist Empires began to weaken, between the 12th and 15th centuries, that Islam began to flourish.
This fascinating but difficult to read historical article on the "Golden Triangle" was printed in The Nation (April, '97).
"During the latter half of the 20th century the little-known and often lawless region where Laos, Burma, Thailand and China meet has become known and widely romanticized as "The Golden Triangle". Originally a Western designation applied to the region because of its wealth in jade, silver, rubies, lumber, rare animal products and, above all, opium, the name has stuck and is today accepted both in Chinese and in Thai.
By reputation, by very definition, the area is off the beaten track. The home of drug warlords, arms dealers, insurgent armies, latter-day slave traders and plain, old-fashioned bandits, it's also the home of an extraordinarily wide range of colourful ethnic minorities, many still only partly known and understood, and a veritable Tower of Babel linguistically.
In recent years the defeat of communist insurgences in Thailand and Burma, coupled with the lowering of the Bamboo Curtain in China and Laos as both those countries slowly switch to free trade, has opened some parts of the Golden Triangle to the outside world for the first time in decades.
Other areas- most notably Burma's unadministered Was States- have never been open. Even during the British Raj the area remained sealed off, closed to outsiders. And for good reason; the "Wild Was" were head-hunters who lived in all-but-impregnable thorn- stockaded villages. The only way by a narrow, winding tunnel, pierced with narrow slots which ensured the uninvited could be pierced with spears as they wormed their way in. Heads were taken to ensure the fertility of the harvest, and prominently displayed near the frontiers of Was territory. Hardly surprisingly, people stayed away.
People stayed away; yet there was one exception. The rugged, indomitable Chinese muleteers known to the Burmese as Panthay, and to the Thai and Lao as Haw or Chin Haw, were- and to some extent still are- the masters of the Golden Triangle. Certainly they were the traders par excellence, penetrating into the remotest reaches of forbidden territory such as the Was States, while at the same time their mule caravans, laden with everything from precious stones and jade to opium and copper pans, traded as far as Luang Phabang in Laos, Moulmein in Burma, Tali and Kunming in Yunnan, and Chiang Mae in northern Thailand. Wherever they went they were protected with the best weapons money could buy, and they used these to good effect to ensure the respect of the law-abiding and the fear of the lawless.
When the British first arrived in the Shan State in 1886, they were amazed to find the Panthays armed with Remington repeater rifles better, in most cases, than those of their own troops. Today, of course, it is the semi-automatic AK 47, with it's tell-tale curved ammunition clip, which rules the roost. The question arises, who are these hardy people, and where did they come from? The Thais- even Thai academics- often designate them as a ""Chinese Hill Tribe", and lump them together as Chin Haw (a designation they detest and will not recognise) to distinguish them from the far more numerous Hua Chiao, or "Overseas Chinese", who arrived in Thailand by sea and have settled in large numbers throughout the country, forming an estimated 10 percent of the Thai population.
If the Hakka, Hokkien, Hainanese and Cantonese can be styled Overseas Chinese, then an altogether appropriate designation for the "Chin-Haw" must be Overland Chinese. Yunnanese-speaking muleteers and traders, they walked or rode into Thailand and Burma by the back door of the Golden Triangle. They do not consider themselves Chinese, and the only distinction they recognise is between Hui, or Muslim Chinese, and Han, or non-Muslim Chinese. At this point those unacquainted with the complex ethnic and religious patchwork of the Golden Triangle may legitimately raise a quizzical eyebrow. Muslims in the Golden Triangle? And Chinese ones at that?
Sop Ruak, where Burma, Thailand and Laos meet, is a long way from the Middle East by any standard. Why, how, when did this come about? To find an answer we have to travel back in time about 600 years, to the Yunan Dynasty, when the Mongols ruled not only China, but a broad swathe of land extending across Central Asia to the Russian steppes and large parts of the Middle East. Like any large and successful empire, the Mongols used mercenary and conscript troops. In remote frontier areas- such as southern Yunnan- they also borrowed from Chinese tradition, "using barbarians to control barbarians". In suppressing the remnants of the Southern Sung and extending their control as far as Pagan, then capital of Burma, they employed fierce Uzbek fighters from the Khanate of Bukhara in Central Asia.
By the late 13th century Yunnan had been successfully incorporated in the Mongol realm, and Kublai Khan turned his attention further afield. Some of his Turkic mercenaries were sent to attack Burma- the likenesses of tow are still recorded in frescoes to Pagan, one officer supporting a fierce hunting falcon on his wrist. Others were ordered to settle in newly conquered Yunnan to ensure the continued pacification of the province. They were given Chinese wives, and one Shams Alden Al Becker was made governor. As a further reward, the faithful Muslims were given control over roads and communications. From that time, their grip on the trade of the region has rarely slackened. Even today most out of the way hostelries are Muslim run, and truck drivers, as much as muleteers, are likely to be followers of the Prophet Muhammad.
During the centuries following their settlement in Yunnan the Uzbek followers of Shams Alden gradually became assimilated through intermarriage into the local population a process which continues today. They became increasingly Chinese in appearance , and they adopted Yunnanese Chinese as their language, retaining Arabic only for religious instruction, and forgetting Turkish completely. To their Han neighbours they became known as Hui, or Chinese speaking Muslims.
Relations weren't always good, but they got along fairly well until the mid- 19th century, when oppression by the Ch'ing authorities sparked a major Muslim rebellion. Between 1855 and 1873 a large part of Western Yunnan broke away from the Ch'ing Empire as local Muslim set up their own state, Ping Nan Kuo, or "Kingdom of the Peaceful South". Their leader, Tu Wen hsiu, styled himself Sultan Sulayman and tellingly donned Ming Dynasty costume, indicating loyalty to the Ch'ing's predecessors rather than to some distant Middle Eastern potentate.
In the end the more powerful Ch'ing armies triumphed, massacring innocent Hui as well as rebels as they advanced. Many Hui, amongst them the most hardened supporters of Tu Wen hsiu, fled into the hills of the Golden Triangle with their horses and arms. This was no new territory to them their trade routes had criss crossed the region for centuries, and because of their influence Yunnanese Chinese was already the lingua franca of the area.
Some of the Hui refugees made their way south, through the Golden Triangle to Chiang Mae, the capital of northern Thailand, where they established a small trading post which became known as Ban Chin Haw, or Chin Haw Village today the area of the world famous Chiang Mae Night Bazaar. Others settled as far afield as Vientiane and Rangoon, though they maintained touch with each other, and with their fellows at home in Yunnan, through an extensive network of trade links and caravan routes. The toughest of Tu Wen-hsiu's followers made their way into the Was States, where they made a temporary treaty with the Was ruler and established themselves at the small, isolated settlement of Panglong. In time they defeated and dominated the local Was, making Panglong the defacto capital of the region.
When the British arrived in 1886 they contracted with the new rulers of Panglong to supply mule trains for the colonial armies. Records form the time make it clear that the British regarded the hardy Chinese Muslims whom they styled Panthays, after the Burmese usage as the most advanced people in the region, noting with evident surprise the wealth and power of Panglong. But how was such money amassed in so remote a point of the Golden Triangle? As Sir George Scott, the first commissioner of the Shan States, cryptically observed armed with repeating rifles, financed by Chinese syndicates form Singapore, the Panthays of Panglong sent long caravans of mule trains the length and breadth of the region, carrying yes, carrying pots and pans and walnuts and cotton and all manner of knick kancks but above all, carrying opium.
Until the fall of the Ch'ing Dynasty and the establishment of the Chinese Republic in 1911, the Yunnanese Muslims of the Golden Triangle had things pretty much their own way. Nobody neither the French, nor British, nor Siamese, nor Chinese exerted more than a nominal influence over the region, and the traders flourished. By way of example, in 1926 Panglong was visited by GE Harvey, British superintendent of the Shan states, only to be informed by the inhabitants: "Neither the Chinese government nor the British means anything to us. It's we who rule here."
The heroin flooding Britain's streets is threatening the lives of UK troops in Afghanistan, an Independent investigation can reveal.
Russian gangsters who smuggle drugs into Britain are buying cheap heroin from Afghanistan and paying for it with guns. Smugglers told The Independent how Russian arms dealers meet Taliban drug lords at a bazaar near the old Afghan-Soviet border, deep in Tajikistan's desert. The bazaar exists solely to trade Afghan drugs for Russian guns – and sometimes a bit of sex on the side.
The drugs are destined for Britain's streets. The guns go straight to the Taliban front line. The weapons on sale include machine guns, sniper rifles and anti-aircraft weapons like the ones used in the attempt to assassinate the Afghan President Hamid Karzai last weekend.
"We never sell the drugs for money," boasted one of the smugglers. "We exchange them for ammunition and Kalashnikovs."
The drugs come mostly from Helmand, where most of Britain's 7,800 troops are based. The opium grown there is turned into heroin at factories inside Afghanistan, sold into Tajikistan and smuggled to Europe. The guns are broken down into parts, smuggled back into Afghanistan and delivered to the Taliban. One kilogram of heroin can buy about 30 AK-47 assault rifles at the bazaar.
Nato claims the Taliban get between 40 and 60 per cent of their income from drugs. The smugglers' claims suggest the real cost could be far higher.
The smugglers described a bleak village with no homes, hidden in the desert near the border. Inside open-air courtyards up to 300 shopkeepers sit in small booths. They act as agents of the Russian mafia who supply the guns and spirit the drugs away. The Afghans are agents of corrupt officials in their government, said a mid-level lieutenant Daoud.
Around them lurk Tajik prostitutes, selling themselves for a few scraps of surplus heroin. "They will do anything. They just want some heroin and we always have some spare," said another smuggler.
We interviewed three smugglers in the lawless border areas north and east of Kunduz, a city in northern Afghanistan, as well as a Taliban go-between who was visiting from Helmand.
Speaking from his headquarters in Kunduz province, Daoud said Afghan smugglers lug sacks of grade-A heroin across the river Oxus, which marks the Tajik border. They drive pick-ups as far as they can, take motorbikes where the cars can't go, and finish the journey on foot. "We leave early in the evening and get there around 9am the next day," he said. "There aren't even any tracks because we never ride the motorbikes to the same place twice."
The heroin is harvested from opium farms across Afghanistan and taken to factories in the remote Pamir mountains in the Badakhshan region, where it is turned into heroin. It takes about 15kg of opium to make 1kg of heroin, said Daoud. From Badakhshan it is brought west to Kunduz, for the trip to Tajikistan. The weapons follow similar routes, but in the opposite direction, south and east to the fighting.
"We are like a company," said Daoud. "We have some big sponsors who support us in the government."
A kilogram of the best Afghan heroin is worth £600 in Afghanistan. It is worth twice as much at the bazaar in Tajikistan. But rather than take cash, they take weapon parts, because they double their value in Afghanistan. An AK-47 assault rifle costs £50 at the bazaar. It is worth up to £100 in northern Afghanistan, and even more in the south and east where demand for guns is higher, because of the fighting.
The Taliban go-between said fighters in Helmand expect to get six AK-47s for 1kg of good quality heroin, a similar number of rocket-propelled grenades or a dozen boxes of ammunition.
British special forces have arrested or killed drugs smugglers linked to the insurgency, alongside a secretive unit of the Afghan army called 333, but the bulk of the International Security Assistance Force is handicapped by its mandate which does not include counter-narcotics operations, unless they can be linked to the insurgency.
The smugglers claimed they are "untouchable" because their bosses include cabinet-level officials in the government. British officials suspect senior government insiders are involved in the drugs trade, but they have struggled to get the support from Mr Karzai, or the evidence, to arrest them.
Opium production has soared since 2001. The head of British-led efforts to crack down on the crop, David Belgrove, said: "This proves what we and the rest of the international community have been saying. There's clear evidence that the drugs trade fuels the insurgency."
The commander of Nato forces in Afghanistan, the US general, Dan McNeill, pledged to take his mandate to the limit to target drug traffickers. But so far, the smugglers insist they are not feeling the pinch.
Violence last year reached record highs, and the Taliban have launched two attacks in Kabul this year. "The heroin is what lets us fight," said the Taliban go-between.
Experts back startling heroin claims
Alan Travis, home affairs editor
The prime minister's startling claim yesterday that 90% of the heroin sold on British streets comes from Afghanistan was backed up last night by experts in the drug trade and radical law reformers.
"The arms the Taliban are buying today are paid for with the lives of young British people buying their drugs on British streets," said Tony Blair. "That is another part of their regime that we should seek to destroy."
BRITAIN is preparing for a drugs war against the KLA over its part in a massive drug running operation which is smuggling millions of pounds worth of heroin into the UK. The KLA's drug running makes it one of the chief criminal organisations smuggling heroin into mainland Europe from Asia on behalf of the Turkish mafia. Police intelligence sources say up to 90% of all heroin smuggled into Britain comes from Turkish crime gangs.
Afghanistan's world domination in the heroin trade stems from a record crop of 4,600 tons in 1999. "All the information coming from intelligence sources and customs and excise suggest that it really is true," said Roger Howard, chief executive of the drug information charity, Drugscope.
"They had absolutely ideal growing conditions that year and the amount they produced was 75% of the entire world production for that year. A good 90% of the heroin in the UK comes from Afghanistan. It may be more," he said.
HUDDLED in a shop doorway, heroin addict Anthony Tiffoney shivers in the winter cold as his latest fix kicks in.
The deadly drug coursing around his veins is on the last stage of a 3,000-mile journey that we trace today from its evil beginnings to its pitiful end.
Our investigation of the heroin trail starts with a swaggering poppy grower called Munsha on the Pakistan-Afghan border who brags: "The Arabs have oil-we have an endless supply of heroin. And no police, no army, no British or Americans can stop us."
The most established route to Europe from the Far and Middle East is the Balkan route. Heroin travels from Lebanon and Southwest Asia, whilst drugs like cannabis roll in from the Middle East. Increased seizures on the Balkan route indicated its rising importance as a major heroin route whilst adding to fears that more heroin was getting through to the EU. The decline of heroin production in the Golden Triangle due to drought moved production centres to Afghanistan and Pakistan where drug money financed regional conflicts against Soviet occupation. Drugs were shipped or flown to Europe in commercial traffic. With increasing quantities the emphasis fell on land routes over the mountainous Iranian and Turkish borders towards Europe. Opiate trafficking is carried out largely in the spring and summer, arriving over high mountain crossing points such as Gurbulak, Kapikoy and Essendere on the Turkish/Iranian border. Cities such an Diyarbakir, Erzurum, Gazantiep and Van are collection areas. Heroin also reaches Turkey from Lebanon via Syria, although significant quantities of Lebanese heroin also reach Europe via Cyprus. Opiates are shipped from Turkish ports, often via Greece and Italy to arrive in Marseilles, (where 30 kg of heroin was seized in one shipment in 1989). The sea routes are more often used for cannabis bulk traffic. Opiate/heroin trafficking uses the extensive lorry and passenger vehicle traffic for transportation. Large increases in regular traffic on the motorways from Turkey to Europe have been recorded.
Last week, a UN report revealed that impoverished Central Asian states are now bearing the brunt of the burgeoning trade in Afghan narcotics. More than 90 per cent of heroin sold in Britain comes from Afghanistan, according to the UN Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC).
Pakistan and Indian Diplomats reported USA Troops massing---All out war with Afghans.
BBC News September 18 2001
Re Tony Bamber.
File on four BBC Radio 4 2004 Transcript available.
Asian gangs have cornered the drugs trade.
The CPS would be fools to deny that which folks with a memory know to be true.
When the BBC also did a full programme pre their too PC days.
Snippet here,
Transmission: Tuesday 15th June 2004
Repeat: Sunday 20th June 2004
Producer: Jenny Chryss
Reporter: Barnie Choudhury
Editor: David Ross
CHOUDHURY: Last year File on 4 revealed how Asian gangs were
cornering this country’s heroin trade, but things have moved on alarmingly. Tonight we
investigate the extent to which organised criminals within Britain’s South Asian communities are
involved in murders, kidnappings and illegal immigration.
AHMED: I was completely shocked. A community which was
supposed to have the lowest percentage in crime now probably has one of the highest in the
United Kingdom.
CHOUDHURY: And File on 4 can reveal that the Metropolitan Police are so
concerned, they are setting up a new unit to tackle new South Asian criminals, who won’t let
anything or anyone stand in their way.
WOMAN: One of the youths pulled out a machine gun and shot my
father. As my dad sort of stumbled and turned around towards me and I saw his face, I knew he
had been hurt badly. He was my best friend and he was everything to me.
CHOUDHURY: A hot summer evening in Tower Hamlets, East London.
The area is a contrast of social deprivation and fashionable, upmarket streets where thousands of
people go out to socialise. Everything seems normal as the pubs do a roaring trade. But under the
surface tensions are running high. Pubs have been targeted, including this one, which was
damaged in a firebomb attack.
WORKER: The pub was closed. The lady that was working was
cleaning up. She opened the door thinking that a cab had arrived to take her home, and there was
all these youths outside and they just threw in the petrol bombs.
CHOUDHURY: This woman is too frightened to be identified. Like many,
she feels there’s a concerted effort by Asian gangs to get white people out of Tower Hamlets.
WORKER: From what we could hear, it was ‘You’re on our territory,’
and then a week later the boss was coming out of one of the restaurants, and as she walked along,
I think there was three youths, but one of them had a gun and held it to her head, but she fought
back and chased him. Somebody called the police, but then a wall of silence goes up. People
won’t come to the area. It will end up being off limits to people. It’ll be like a no go area.
CHOUDHURY: But it’s not simply a race problem. Around 70,000
Bangladeshis live in Tower Hamlets, and they’re often the victims of Asian on Asian violence.
There have been sixty murders in the borough in the past ten years, and in the last year alone six
Asians have been killed here.
CHOUDHURY: The Metropolitan Police have now identified Tower Hamlets
Does anyone have a pdf copy of 'Should Muslims Appoligise?'
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