This is colonisation by immigration.
This level of illegals in the UK will trigger a civil war one day.
More than 1m illegal immigrants are living in Britain — double the government’s most recent estimate, according to a study.
The report warns that a proposed amnesty for illegal immigrants could add a total of 2.2m to the population because each of the 1.1m “regularised” illegals would be entitled to bring at least one spouse, child or other family member into Britain.
The report is a direct challenge to Nick Clegg, the Liberal Democrat leader, who has proposed an amnesty for long-term illegal residents who have been here for 10 years.
The study for MigrationWatch, a think tank that lobbies for stricter immigration controls, updates earlier studies from the Home Office and the mayor of London.
It points out that the latest Home Office study is based on figures from the 2001 census. It also challenges the formula for calculating the number of people who overstay their visas every year. The report says that the number of overstayers each year could be as many as 60,000 rather than the 10,000 implied by estimates.
Frank Field, Labour’s former welfare minister and co-chairman of the parliamentary cross-party group on balanced migration, welcomed the study’s findings.
“These are some of the immigration figures the three main parties didn’t want published before the election and it shows the danger of the Lib Dem loose talk of offering an amnesty,” he said.
Government ministers and left-wing think tanks have previously questioned research by MigrationWatch, saying that it was biased. But this weekend independent academics pointed out that the study’s estimate of 1.1m illegals was only 237,000 above the upper estimate of 863,000 produced last year by the London School of Economics (LSE) for Boris Johnson, the mayor of London. They said that study was based on figures to 2007, and therefore three years out of date.
David Coleman, professor of demography at Oxford University, who has reviewed the report, said that estimating the number of illegal immigrants was always exceptionally difficult. But he believed the report was based on plausible estimates.
"The number is clearly substantial, and it’s clearly growing," he said. "Successive estimates have very plainly shown it is increasing. The assumptions used in this new report are as good and as plausible as any, even though direct evidence is very thin on the ground."
Until 2005 the government said it was simply impossible to provide a meaningful figure on illegal immigration because people who were here illegally went to great lengths to conceal their existence from the authorities.
Before the 2005 election Tony Blair said that no such official figure existed. But weeks afterwards, the Home Office released a survey that gave a range of between 310,000 and 570,000. Those figures were based on the 2001 census.
Both the government and independent academics admit that immigration — legal and illegal — has mushroomed since then. Last year the LSE updated those figures by including population movement to 2007. It said the number of failed asylum seekers had since risen by 219,000, while an estimated 50,000 more foreign citizens had overstayed their visas.
Clegg wants to "regularise" those who have been here the longest, so they can integrate into the legal economy. The Lib Dems call it an "earned route to citizenship" but admit they have no idea how many people would qualify.
Phil Woolas, the immigration minister, could not say how many illegal immigrants were in the UK. "It’s a question that no immigration minister can answer," he said.
....and the rest.
how deep does the rabbit hole go ?
So how do they live? Where do they get their food from? How do they pay their bills?
It's hard enought for legals to survive, so how do they do it.
They live better than the English people!!! The have good jobs, specialy as couriers...
They get their money, dont pay tax and sent the money to their countries...
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