Poor old Marmite - they launch an ad campaign to spoof the BNP, and then get all stroppy and threaten an injunction when they get spoofed back.
I hate advertising executives and I hate corporate lawyers.
Sulky muppets.
Cognitive Dissidence, The mechanism of warfare and subversion for intellectual revolutionaries.
Just to clarify here, how were Marmite spoofing the BNP? I'm guessing it is due to the 'Hate Party' broadcasts which is being percieved as the BNP. If this is all it is I find it hard to see how that has anything to do with the BNP. Copyrighting the label 'hate party' doesn't seem to be a wise move, I doubt most people watching the adverts would have made any connection with the party at all. Highlighting what might have been an unintended dig seems pedantic, and slightly big headed. In all honesty, who cares? The real point to be made here is why do people eat marmite? I intelligence that suggests it is sourced from the armpits of disgruntled guests on Jeremy Kyle.
Just to clarify here, how were Marmite spoofing the BNP? I'm guessing it is due to the 'Hate Party' broadcasts which is being percieved as the BNP. If this is all it is I find it hard to see how that has anything to do with the BNP. Copyrighting the label 'hate party' doesn't seem to be a wise move, I doubt most people watching the adverts would have made any connection with the party at all. Highlighting what might have been an unintended dig seems pedantic, and slightly big headed. In all honesty, who cares? The real point to be made here is why do people eat marmite? I intelligence that suggests it is sourced from the armpits of disgruntled guests on Jeremy Kyle.
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