Poor old David T, he goes and sets up Harrys Place website using a fake name and fake address - in breach of the rules requiring registration of websites - and then whines when someone queries it.
I wonder if he would have done the same with the BNP website - which by the way is registered in the correct manner - Hmmmmm.
The words 'rank hypocrisy to try and hide the fact they are so scared of the BNP they now have to censor us' come to mind.
Either that or David T is having a bad case of the PMT and indulging in a prolonged sulk.
Censor me all you like David T, you wont know when I post anyway you mug.
I will be like a phantom on your site, present but never seen.
Today the Harrys Place Phantom is born, dedicated to breaking the 'anti-BNP ban'.
( With scary laughter ) Ha ha ha ha ha ha
You cant stop The Phantom and my army of Phantomites.
Together we will own Harrys Place.
Rise up my army of Phantom Brothers and wage 'comments war' on Harrys Place and send the lickspittle lackeys of the Zionist Elite back into the stygian darkness where they belong !
Well done to my silent army of Nationalist Phantoms for waging 'web comments' war against the maggots on Harrys Farm.
The fools do not realise that we have already won, for now they have to spend all their time censoring the comments on the site - and hence reveal the true fascist nature of Harrys Place and made them waste their time all day hovering over the 'comment delete' button like a load of knock kneed wimps.
We have torn the free speech mask from the face of the Harrys Place Fascists !
Well done my Phantoms !
Our motto is 'I am The Phantom' !
Let us wage 'web comments' war against the enemy wherever they lurk.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha.
I am the Phantom! Prepare for war Harrys Place Zionist scum. And yes we have already won.
It just shows how weak their position is that they censor your comments Lee.
Harrys Place scum still have invalid domain registration details:
Click here to view
And yet these demented freaks make statements such as: "this blog rattles more than a few cages and unsettles those who would rather lurk in the shadows when it shines a spotlight on their activities."
Well, why are they too afraid to have their real details on their domain? It appears it is they who are hiding in shadows.
To report Harrys Place to the domain regulator for their violation:
Click here
Ha-ha! Love it! Nice one, Lee :-)
We're coming for you, "Harry", you wanker!
Demonic laughter .......
..' ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-haaaaaarrrrr!
So finally the election has been set in motion.
If anyone is making videos please feel free to use any of my short Title Vids.
3D Title
More Here
All made with Blender
Available Here
I just love these couple of sentences taken from HP's blog.
Lee John Barnes will be deleted on sight. Indeed, since he is a BNP office holder, any BNP supporter/sock puppet will be deleted. We want to be clear: this is not censorship.
am sure you and your rent boys will be happy to leave comments on all blogs and forums , lets face it you will never be in power as long as you live so need something to do with your Nazi lives.
I hope Collett blows you all out of the water to your dirty dealings .
Harrys Groupwank -
Reads like a queer orgy .....
"Back To Normal" ............ Ho-ho!
They're on a money scam now -
Nothing new in fleecing the mug Goy eh?
Back to normal indeed :-)
Lee why waste your time at harrys place when his blog does not even get one quarter the traffic or influence of Guido fawkes site.
while Guido deletes and censors anything BNP (most believe he is state, set up to stop another Grudge report getting prominance in the UK) most comments get through if you just put BMP or
B N P in posts.
It will be read by a lot more people and have real influence as it breaks down the consensus that is needed to reinforce the lefts pavlov dog reaction.
Many on Guido's are now discussing the NWO, even though Guido has tried and failed to stem such debate using tin foil hat, lizard pavlov dog smears, but he has failed, the people really are waking up.
Also please get Nick to expand the campain from the current single issue, bring our boys home.
To something more relevant to the majority, as good a cause as it is, it does not have the impact Nick was hoping for and many others have said the same over on Green Arrows site.
`Vote Dave get Gordon` is what is needed.
Yes it is simplistic but it resonates on many levels and for many reasons.
I believe it would be a devistating blow to the mainstreme that will also resonate for several years to come.
Like the homeless soldier election ad, Nick has miss jusdged this one.
and now we will be seeking new leaflets and design why not use the opportunity to at least here other members views out on this issue.
not on emotive or moral grounds but on winning an election grounds.
Please Lee and Nick do some sounding for my idea and try and find out what the PUBLIC want.
Registrant Search:
"Dave Dudley" owns about23 other domains
Email Search:
davidt.harryblog@gmail.com is associated with about 8 domains
NS History:
5 changes on 5 unique name servers over 3 years.
IP History:
4 changes on 4 unique name servers over 3 years.
Whois History:
56 records have been archived since 2007-11-06 .
Reverse IP:
1 other site is hosted on this server.
Domain ID:D149659200-LROR
Created On:05-Nov-2007 15:14:02 UTC
Last Updated On:20-Mar-2010 16:04:41 UTC
Expiration Date:05-Nov-2010 15:14:02 UTC
Sponsoring Registrar:Tucows Inc. (R11-LROR)
Registrant ID:tuPiaIPxQMuY9RUB
Registrant Name:Dave Dudley
Registrant Organization:Dave Dudley
Registrant Street1:Harry Towers
Registrant Street2:
Registrant Street3:
Registrant City:Harryville
Registrant State/Province:London
Registrant Postal Code:E58SQ
Registrant Country:GB
Registrant Phone:+44.7666666666
Registrant Phone Ext.:
Registrant FAX:
Registrant FAX Ext.:
Registrant Email:
Admin ID:tuPiaIPxQMuY9RUB
Admin Name:Dave Dudley
Admin Organization:Dave Dudley
Admin Street1:Harry Towers
Admin Street2:
Admin Street3:
Admin City:Harryville
Admin State/Province:London
Admin Postal Code:E58SQ
Admin Country:GB
Admin Phone:+44.7666666666
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Tech ID:tu61q595pmTqq71J
Tech Name:Technical Support
Tech Organization:Daily Internet Services Limited
Tech Street1:9 Regan Way
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Name Server:
Name Server:
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Name Server:
Name Server:
Name Server:
Name Server:
Name Server:
Hi lee,
I am delighted to see I brought that blatantly fascist and freedom of speech suppressing site down and have cost them a considerable sum of money too, Lee.
Here is the real story behind it:
I had been posting reasoned and polite comments there a little while ago but the comments were just too intelligent and evidenced for them to handle so the usual tricks were resorted to, you know, deletions, malicious amendments, insults and the favoured one being accusing me of being you Lee, as if that somehow would negate the content anyway!
I ran rings around the brain dead fanatics on there and started exposing them as bare faced liars one by one.
From some muppet called Adrian Morgan who thought all of his previous extremely positive online musings about the “right” and the BNP had gone away (things are never really gone on the internet) and couldn’t bare being presented with the facts that pretty much all of what he claimed to believe in and support on Harry’s Place flies in the face of everything he had said and written over the years. He went into hysterical overdrive faking abusive comments and then bizarrely threatening ‘police action’ and Harry’s Place censorship.
Of course by this time I had thoroughly exposed the resident troll ‘graham’ and his multiple sock puppets for the lying ignorant bitter fool he is (my favourite was his abysmal grasp of technology and the lie that even his own couldn’t defend!) as well as many as other such as the faux serviceman ‘sackcloth and ashes’, ‘josh’, ‘ana’ and ‘old sailor’ as well as the hater-in-chief Edmund Standing amongst many others of the usual HP cronies. I would provide links but they have buried the evidence! They know who they are and what happened though!
So of course, after all of the underhanded games and posturing they ‘banned’ me (so they thought) and I actually warned them then what I intended to do in regards to having the site taken down if they continued to lie and censor. After all, registering fake details is in breach of the regulations so they only have themselves to blame and why would any honest decent person need to do so anyway? It is what criminals and terrorist do, not ordinary law-abiding citizens.
As per usual they thought they were above it all, a law unto themselves and they scoffed at it. It wasn’t overnight, as bureaucratic processes never are, but around 2 months later my efforts came to fruition and my promise was realised.
They weren’t laughing then.
Expensive business all in all, this cheating, lying, corruption, censorship and underhanded game playing.
Best stick to honesty and fairness really.
Especially as the details they have used for their new hosting site are still fake and ICANN is international and cares not for content nor ‘US 1st amendment rights’ but the policing of domains and the registration of the correct details and so in has gone another complaint already in retaliation for the continued cheating, lying, corruption, censorship and underhanded game playing of this insidious vile site and down it will come again (sorry ‘Ana’, yet again you are the blind being led the ignorant and blind, the HP caveat doesn’t stand up in reality.)
In fact the US authorities (ICANN aside) are even less tolerant then most about fake registration details and are extremely sensitive that such dishonesty is usually associated with crooks and terror groups.
They can’t say they weren’t given fair chance, Lee, they can’t say they weren’t warned and they can’t say they didn’t bring it entirely upon themselves.
Anyhow we have an election to get on with, and it’s just possible I might bring down this smear and lie site down once again before it, who knows? Either ways, it is going to cost them lots more money in the not too distant future.
Happy days.
harry's place ip
OrgName: Media Temple, Inc.
Address: 8520 National Blvd.
Address: Building A
City: Culver City
StateProv: CA
PostalCode: 90232
Country: US
NetRange: -
NetHandle: NET-72-47-192-0-1
Parent: NET-72-0-0-0-0
NetType: Direct Allocation
RegDate: 2007-05-30
Updated: 2008-01-10
RAbuseHandle: ABUSE418-ARIN
RAbuseName: Abuse Desk
RAbusePhone: +1-877-578-4000
RNOCHandle: NA230-ARIN
RNOCName: NOC Hosting Operations
RNOCPhone: +1-877-578-4000
RTechHandle: NA230-ARIN
RTechName: NOC Hosting Operations
RTechPhone: +1-877-578-4000
OrgAbuseHandle: ABUSE418-ARIN
OrgAbuseName: Abuse Desk
OrgAbusePhone: +1-877-578-4000
OrgTechHandle: NA230-ARIN
OrgTechName: NOC Hosting Operations
OrgTechPhone: +1-877-578-4000
Full details here: http://whois.domaintools.com/
lee tell the BNP to take down the join now banner and get up a register to vote today banner while there is still time.
Unlike Eddy Butler i believe the key target are people who do not currently vote and are therefore not registered to vote, trying to get people to change sides after generations is a hard battle a much easier battle is getting the people who now stay away to participate.
and giving them a little push before it is too late on the site they are clearly interested in nationalist politics to a degree but may not get of their arse.
to prove this point look at the views the BNP website gets compared to the other parties why cant the BNP turn these into votes - apathy.
get people up, get people active, GET THEM TO REGISTER TO VOTE!
hell the goverment has opperation racist vote, the goverment are not stupid, just evil.
pull your finger out BNP webteam.
Lee i see even on the main site where commentators rarely dissagree with the party line that the `bring our troops home` issue is not cutting it.
The people are not buying into it at all, if anything it makes the party look militariastic as an obsession with the military, while there is no substance to this, in light of the Nazi smears it causes more raised eyebrows aimed in the BNPs direction than anything else, so in particular DO NOT have a soldier on the front!
If anything a field of crosses, the coffins does not work with `bring our boys home as it looks like the BNP is saying they will do it like this.
If coffins must be used then the poster should read, unlike labour and the tories we would rather bring our boys home alive.
but again this must only be one short aspect of the election not the key feature, it wont get traction.
Hey Lee and all...
I am delighted to see I brought that blatantly fascist and freedom of speech suppressing site down and have cost them a considerable sum of money too.
Here is the real story behind it:
I had been posting reasoned and polite comments there a little while ago but the comments were just too intelligent and evidenced for them to handle so the usual tricks were resorted to, you know, deletions, malicious amendments, insults and the favoured one being accusing me of being you Lee, as if that somehow would negate the content anyway!
I ran rings around the brain dead fanatics on there and started exposing them as bare faced liars one by one.
From some muppet called Adrian Morgan who thought all of his previous extremely positive online musings about the “right” and the BNP had gone away (things are never really gone on the internet) and couldn’t bare being presented with the facts that pretty much all of what he claimed to believe in and support on Harry’s Place flies in the face of everything he had said and written over the years. He went into hysterical overdrive faking abusive comments and then bizarrely threatening ‘police action’ and Harry’s Place censorship.
Of course by this time I had thoroughly exposed the resident troll ‘graham’ and his multiple sock puppets for the lying ignorant bitter fool he is (my favourite was his abysmal grasp of technology and the lie that even his own couldn’t defend!) as well as many as other such as the faux serviceman ‘sackcloth and ashes’, ‘josh’, ‘ana’ and ‘old sailor’ as well as the hater-in-chief Edmund Standing amongst many others of the usual HP cronies. I would provide links but they have buried the evidence! They know who they are and what happened though!
So of course, after all of the underhanded games and posturing they ‘banned’ me (so they thought) and I actually warned them then what I intended to do in regards to having the site taken down if they continued to lie and censor. After all, registering fake details is in breach of the regulations so they only have themselves to blame and why would any honest decent person need to do so anyway? It is what criminals and terrorist do, not ordinary law-abiding citizens.
As per usual they thought they were above it all, a law unto themselves and they scoffed at it. It wasn’t overnight, as bureaucratic processes never are, but around 2 months later my efforts came to fruition and my promise was realised.
They weren’t laughing then.
Expensive business all in all, this cheating, lying, corruption, censorship and underhanded game playing.
Best stick to honesty and fairness really.
Especially as the details they have used for their new hosting site are still fake and ICANN is international and cares not for content nor ‘US 1st amendment rights’ but the policing of domains and the registration of the correct details and so in has gone another complaint already in retaliation for the continued cheating, lying, corruption, censorship and underhanded game playing of this insidious vile site and down it will come again (sorry ‘Ana’, yet again you are the blind being led the ignorant and blind, the HP caveat doesn’t stand up in reality.)
In fact the US authorities (ICANN aside) are even less tolerant then most about fake registration details and are extremely sensitive that such dishonesty is usually associated with crooks and terror groups.
They can’t say they weren’t given fair chance, Lee, they can’t say they weren’t warned and they can’t say they didn’t bring it entirely upon themselves.
Anyhow we have an election to get on with, and it’s just possible I might bring down this smear and lie site down once again before it, who knows? Either ways, it is going to cost them lots more money in the not too distant future.
Happy days.
Internet security and anonymity
Use Startpage
I'm no expert on this, I've taken the view that let em watch me if they want but wouldn't hurt to know.
Start page is only one part of internet security and privacy.
Nick back in top form, wipes the floor with BBC NWO ethnic cleansing propagandist.
How to trigger WWIII between the West and Islam.
Arrange for cockpit videos to be leaked to Wiki then sit back and watch the fun.
Trigger Happy ?
Things like this lead to escalations, and more US soldiers dying the responsibilty for which lies with these trigger happy moron and possible those who leaked it to wiki.
You can bet your life this will go viral in the Muslim World, and how would we feel if it were arab pilots gunning down British civilians.
The war has just been ratched up a few notches.
Things are bad now, how bad are they going to get.
The only two options I see are an inevitable intensification or we get out.
Maybe it should go Viral, if it forces the public demanding we quit meddling in the Mid east,
hey maybe we should try trade and tourism.
Lee below is a post on a Marmite BNP spoof ad, notice the comment, is this not the way forward, many seem to think so! -
Jcm9991 I love the fact that Nick Griffin is starting to branch off from the problem of immigration to the evil international bankers and NWO. BNP is the only party who are targeting this issue and if we wanna kick these corrupt bankers out then we need to vote for BNP.
4 6 days ago Jcm9991 People can mock and criticize the BNP all
they want. The fact is either vote BNP or continue to have the same corrupt government. People who vote Labour don't have a right to complain because you voted for em'. Simple as that. If you wanna see real change in this country then vote BNP. Simple as that! Fuck Labour and all the other parties. Vote BNP. 4 6 days ago
I think it's too late to change the Bring them Home Policy now, if you look at What Cameron, Brown are doing is pandering to minorities.
Each speech that mentions pensioners gets them 10,000 votes, every time they mention Gay or Lesbian, there' is another 10,000 votes in the bag.
Put forward a minority candidate, another 10,000 votes.
Looked at very simplistically, they are herding tiny groups of sheep into their voting flock.
They are throwing out hooks, the word minority will hook 10,000 little fishes for them, the word pensioner will hook another 10,000.
Of course there are pensioners out there, minorities and Gay and Lesbian who see through them and so don't fall for it.
The Lib Lab Cons do not care one Jot for any of these minororities.
It is all cynical showmanship.
Take Cameron and Brown crying on live TV, do that in front of millions of TV viewers and immediately you have 10's of thousands of votes.
Now you might think it heartless of me to even suggest that this might have been an act, I don't think it was an act, anyone would be devastated by the loss of a child, so i don't think it was an act, though I do think it hypocritical when 1.2 million Iraqi's have died violently since we invaded, 500,000 died during the previous sanctions.
At at least 500,000 died during gulf war I.
That is 2 Million Iraqi's.
Not a single word on this from Brown or Cameron or Clegg.
Every move they make is about herding little groups of sheep into their voter base and one of the best ways of doing this is by saying, yes I agree you are being persecuted by the evil white man, vote for me.
Or to use emotional blackmail and manipulation, like the Global Warming baby polar bear tax scam.
We've lost 500 of our finest in Iraq and Afghanistan, that means there must be three times that many with limbs missing.
How come we never hear of these guys, where is Brown, Cameron's or Clegg's supposed humanity and concern over these issues.
Ron Paul
We Killed a million Iraqi's
UN Claims sanctions killed
half a million Iraqi children
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