This investment below is just to ensure we remain competitive, we intend that we become a world power again.
We intend to undertake a project of national renewal - based on Britain becoming an energy independent, industrial and manufacturing, Hi-Tech Manufacturing, Integrated Energy Systems and Hard Industries economy as opposed to simply being the bankers for the New World Order.
Britain needs to spend £500bn on infrastructure, says IoD
Britain needs to spend at least £500bn on infrastructure over the next decade if it is to maintain its economic competitiveness, according to the Institute of Directors (IoD).
By Angela Monaghan
Published: 7:00AM BST 15 Apr 2010
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Public spending on the UK's energy, transport, water and technology networks should be ring-fenced, despite the need to sharply reduce the record deficit, because of the positive effect it would have on economic growth, the IoD said in a report published on Thursday.
It said £300bn needed to be spent on energy infrastructure by 2020, £130bn on transport, £40bn on water, and £30bn on communications.
"Radical financing solutions" would be required, and the organisation suggested one option for the next Government would be to use the future proceeds from bank privatisations to pay for new infrastructure.
"Cutting infrastructure spending may be politically easier than reducing other areas of public expenditure, but the consequences for the UK's already creaking infrastructure will be with us for years to come," said Miles Templeman, director-general of the IoD.
"For the sake of the UK's long-term growth prospects, I urge the Government to reconsider its decision to halve infrastructure spending over the next four years."
The IoD says poor infrastructure has been long prevalent in the UK , but that competitive failings have been offset to some extent by the UK's tax competitiveness and strong financial services sector.
"But with the recent erosion of competitive strength in these two areas our weak infrastructure becomes even more problematic," it says.
The IoD argues that an Infrastructure Planning Commission, which speeds up the planning approval process and cannot be overridden "on a whim by politicians", will be crucial in building private sector investor confidence.
It says existing spending plans should be changed, so that infrastructure investment is the only ring-fenced area of public spending.
I hope the BNP is studying UKIP for any future debates as that will be the big one, we need to focus on ukips weaknesses but also not deny when we are close to them as that helps support our position.
Not too sure on UKIP, they appear to change their policies every few months and seem to steal most of the BNPs once the BNP have highlighted and meade the case with the public, UKIP seem to play catch up.
Find their weakness and expolit it, but dont be afraid to admit where you agree.
I think the nationalist perspective as apposed to the free market perspective is a good one, highlighting UKIP are closer to thatcher.
That will go doen well with ex tory voters and cut into the tory vote while destroying ukips vote up north.
Expose how ukip were late to the table regarding religious extremism, after mocking the BNP for years and ignoring the demographic issues, something ukip still have no solutions on.
also dont be under any illusions this will be another question time like bearpit, get ready for the shit and prepare for it.
Nick was fantastic at skipping the Thug Nazi party in tatters crap in his laster interview and hammered home his policies, that was priceless, work on this, they dont have time to keep repeating their slurs so just bypass them and move on to policy.
But Number one will be making UKIP out to be thatcherites, its win win for both parties.
it is a shame we can not do a deal with them to make the debate go more smoothly, perhaps nick could have a word with ukip before the event, just discussing policy to see where you agree, this can be beneficial.
Lee where is the 2010 manifesto?
I can only pray the guns, conscription and flogging has been dropped as it is a big vote loser.
It is too extreme for the public at large to except, we need to get the public on board then make our case, or not on these non critical issues, Now is not the right time.
Nick will be laughed off the stage if the questions refer to such policies, it will make ukip seem more reasonable.
also the BNP need to highlight the tories charities new dogma, wheree the poor are treated as a charity case by the tory toffs, charties that will be fake charities manned by their pals and creaming of goverment finance.
Its a con, demeaning, patronising and open to fraud and abuse.
another set of quango's for political buddies.
Nick Griffin won last nights debate and the media even treated him fair!
Well done Nick.
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