Image - Baron James Bethell, flashing the infamous gang sign of the Bullingdon Club Massive, a rich Tory Toff gang from Kensington. " Yeah Boy, dont you be messing or nuffink wiv da boyz of da BCM, Braaap, Braaaap ! "
Baron James Bethell, the Tory Toff that runs Nothing British About the BNP, has stated that the BNP will get 12 % of the vote in the General Election.
He has also revealed that he is in fact a gang member.
He is a member of the notoriously violent Bullingdon Club Massive.
He always looks to me as if he has just been made to swallow the captain of boats' jizm.
Bolshevik Bethell's bumboy is a paedophile -
Nah Lee, he's just counting the number of times he has been rejected as an MP by his own supporters!
Or perhaps it is the amount of times he has commited treason this week?
Lee you should be ashamed of yourself picking on the disabled like this, inbreeding is a serious matter and can leave some poor souls with no lips and only 2 fingers and a thumb.
Where is your compassion?
On top of this the poor disabled fellow cannot get a parlimentary seat due to the predudices of the Tory party.
He is a member of the notoriously violent Bullingdon Club Massiv
BUT I dont expect him and his gang to associate wi the u a f
but same d e a l
Yes Lee don't mock the afflicted....Donna
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