The peer said that if Mr Cameron had not ditched his promise of a referendum on the EU Treaty, Ukip would have been campaigning for the Tories.
There you have it, from the Asses mouth - UKIP are a Thatcherite front group.
Cognitive Dissidence, The mechanism of warfare and subversion for intellectual revolutionaries.
With Germany today reported to be having second thought's about bailing out Greece, there still is a chance that the EUSSR will collapse.
What will happen to UKIPMI5? Surely they would disband leaving an open road for the BNP.
Videos: UKIP exposed
Off topic as usual but an important post I think, one which you might like to rewrite as a feature article as my writing skills are not that Great, I'm good at ferreting information out but when it comes to writing it up, I really need tyhe services of a Blonde Swedish secretary.
It seems we are being lied to ( again ), this time about maintaining optimal health and how simple and inexpensive it really is.
According to recent research, at least 50% of all cancers could be prevented very easily and at almost no cost, in addition, 50% of current cancers could be reversed and cured permanently.
The Govt and the Pharmaceutical Companies absolutely want Cancer and death to increase, they are guilty of mass murder and I will present significant evidence to support this right now.
Cancer makes money for pharmacetical companies, it also gives Govt the excuse to tax, which means CONTROL.
Therefore by definition, they are both incentivised to cause cancer by their policies,
this on its own does not prove guilt of course, otherwise every time a Lambourghini goes missing, I'd be the chief suspect because I want one but can't afford one.
Look into the Dinomit model of Cancer, check out some of the videos highlighted on the right of this Youtube page after watching the following video.
The Dinomit Model of Cancer
Now here is how you know it is by design, there are two types of UV light, UVA and UVB,
UVB is responsible for Vitamin D Production in the skin.
In 15-30 minutes of sun exposure we produce around 5000 to 10,000 IU's of Vit D.
Strangely enough, our Govt says to us, oooohh no no no no, you only need 200 IU's per day.
As one Scientist says, who are you going to trust,
God or your Govt.
Here is more proof, perhaps more compelling.
It appears UVA is responsible for Skin Cancer, now we all know the Govt has been pushing sunscreen on us for decades.
Before watching the Next Video, See if you can guess which type of UV light sunscreen actually Blocks, the one responsible for Vit D Production, or the one responsible for skin cancer.
Go on have a guess, no cheating now.
Sunscreen and Vit D
Check out some of the other videos from researchers in the field, it is no stretch of the imagination to deduce that someone somewhere wants cancer rates to increase.
I believe a mistake like this is not a mistake, the wrong advice we are bering given has been by design, consequently, the victims who have suffered did not die by natural causes but were murdered.
I believe there is a truly MASSIVE story here, just don't go for walks on your own in the woods with a bottle of coproxamol and a rusty penknife in your pocked if you decide to cover it.
Reducing dangerous Immune reactions in the case of ( enforced ) Vaccinations.
Dr Russell Blaylock
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