The figures on white working class alienation should shock the entire country, for they confirm just how much our people have been abandoned by the mainstream establishment parties.
The idea that people reject BNP policies is no doubt based on them being fed false information on our policies - thats the problem with polls like these as they introduce THEIR definition of our policy, and that is always framed in a negative manner in order to induce a negative response.
As for 'odious' as a word to describe the 'Far Right' the word odious is more befitting the American Iraq War propagandist, Murdoch the Julius Streicher of Tony's Reich.
BRITISH voters will give our politicians a shock wake up call about immigration and the BNP - according to a poll in tomorrow's News of the World.
The exclusive ICM poll reveals almost TWO THIRDS think mainstream, political parties have no credible policies on immigration.
It shows they believe foreign arrivals are getting favourable treatment over housing and other benefits.
And a large proportion of the population AGREE with some of the statements made by the odious Far Right leader Nick Griffin.
It also reveals that ONE THIRD of voters believe in a core BNP policy - that British-born people from ethnic minorities should lose all state benefits, including NHS medical treatment, to pay for them to leave the country.
Narrow majorities also oppose the teaching of gay and straight sex in schools and say the Islamic faith treats women as second-class citizens, which are both core BNP beliefs.
HOWEVER, little over one in twenty people think the BNP have got the right policies to sort out the problem.
Tomorrow's poll shows the British public detest their racist insistence that white people's interests should be put first.
And just 10% say there should be an end to any immigration.
The ICM poll is the first full test of British opinion since Griffin's appearance on the BBC's Question Time on Thursday night.
The majority of voters (54%) think the show would have put people off the BNP, although 23% say it will win them more support.
And while 44% say white working class people have been abandoned, just 28% say they should be given any sort of priority.
However, it is clear the BNP message IS getting through among white working class voters.
There, the number who say they have been abandoned by the mainstream political parties rises from 62% to 71%.
And the number who say they should come first over people from ethnic minorities goes up from 28% to 41%
The poll does NOT say the British public are unrealistic about immigration.
Only 10% say there should be a stop on all future immigration.
The current system, introduced by Labour, of a points-based system allowing people with skills to come in, is backed by 64%.
Just 20% say the Tories' plan of a yearly cap on numbers will work.
However, the Conservatives' large lead in the polls mean 26% say they have the best policies on immigration, compared to 21% for Labour, 13% for the Lib Dems and just 6% for the BNP.
*** ICM Research interviewed a random sample of 504 adults on 23-24th October 2009. Interviews were conducted across the country and the results have been weighted to the profile of all adults. ICM is a member of the British Polling Council and abides by its rules.
My best Greetings from Greece.
I am a member of Greek Nationalist group ''Golden Dawn''.
I read your articles for months now,and personally,i support BNP.
I would like to know your opinion about David Duke's articles for Nick Griffin.
Please check:
Thank you.
Yannis Papadopoulos
Hi Yannis,
It is good to hear from the Greek Nationalists, I hope you are well.
I hope that the Golden Dawn have recovered from the arson attacks on the book shops a few months ago by the anarchists and immigrants scum.
I shall read the articles and let you know.
Best regards,
"The statement that just 10 % of the population want an end to all immigration is very strange"
I'm not sure it's that strange. I want zero immigration apart from a right of return for people of British blood. I expect most people answering that question would imagine a few exceptions to the general rule and that put them off saying they wanted a complete end.
Open NewsOfTheWorld quote-
"It also reveals that ONE THIRD of voters believe in a core BNP policy - that British-born people from ethnic minorities should lose all state benefits, including NHS medical treatment, to pay for them to leave the country."
You what? Oh well, once a spineless media lie machine, always a cunt.
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