There are a few moments when you can ascertain the media agenda clearly.
Last nights Newsnight was such an example.
At 17.10 last night an article entitled 'Have Labour handed Stoke to the BNP' was published on the Guardian website.
Here is the link still showing it on a news feed site ;
Clink on the link and it is dead.
The link to the article became dead about ten minutes after the article went online.
Why did The Guardian remove the article ?
Because the author of the article Mark Seddon was booked to appear on Newnight last night with a remit to attack the BNP, and his article gave us ammunition to use against the old gang parties.
Therefore the BBC contacted The Guardian and asked them to remove the article as they knew that the article contained information damaging to the Labour Party.
And verily down into the memory hole it wenteth.
A link to the article is here ;
Newsnight last night was in effect a 'spoiler' for the Stoke elections.
The cynical and disgusting report on the BNP and its anti-white racism campaign, a campaign which would have been given government grants, EU money and extensive BBC coverage if it had been directed at race attacks against non-whites, was presented and produced by michelle gribbon - a BBC employee and producer used by the BBC in its documentaries.
Her BBC e mail address is here - michelle.gribbon@bbc.co.uk
The timing of this report, regarding a BNP anti-racism campaign over THREE YEARS OLD, WAS TIMED TO COINCIDE WITH THE STOKE ELECTIONS and therefore this was no legitimate news report - it was a blatant attempt to use Newsnight in order to bolster the election chances of the Establishment parties in the Stoke elections.
The deaths of Gavin Hopley and Chris Yates have NEVER been mentioned before by the BBC and nor will they again, for they had gone into the memory hole too - until they realised an employee of the BBC could be used to raise the issue and use it to attack the BNP in the show and assist the old gang parties in the Stoke Election.
This was further confirmed by the report on Newsnight that followed the anti-BNP report.
This was a report focused on the Stoke Elections in its entirety and featured the usual talking heads of the old gang parties all attacking the BNP.
So we see that ;
1) The Guardian and the BBC conspired to hide an article that was damaging to the old gang parties
2) The BBC hired a BBC producer to make a report concerning her cousin, who by the way was a victim of not just Anti-White Racism but also Secondary Racist Victimisation as the CPS and Judge refused to prosecute and sentence his attackers as racists in the trial. Instead of this BBC employee using the air time to demand justice for her dead cousin and a retrial to prosecute the killers for a racist crime, which would have doubled their sentence, she cynically used his name in an effort to bolster the anti-BNP agenda of the Newsnight show.
3) The BBC then even mentioned during the interview with Mark Seddon that the BBC had discovered on their blogs ( eg mine and Simon Darbys) that his article was damaging to the old parties, whilst also allowing him free rein to attack the BNP.
This was a blatant and unlawful piece of electioneering by the BBC.
To have gone on the show would have been to validate its illegitimate abuse of the BBC's power.
Better to have stayed away and let them over egg the pudding - which is what they went ahead and did.
Any fair minded viewer would have asked themselves ' The BNP campaign is over three years old, so why mention it now ? Oh yeah I see, the issue is the Stoke elections as shown by the report after the anti-BNP report. This is blatant propaganda. Yawn. Time for bed' and turned off the idiot talking heads of the Newsnight Maggot Farm.
Excellent and spot on. I feel it was totally correct to put out a statement rather than appearing, which as you say would have justified the hit-piece and with the BNP being publicly lynched in this coordinated set-up. The statement worked very well.
What this attempted set-up shows is just how desperate the BBC fuckheads are.
"whilst also allowing him free rein to attack the BNP."
Bullshit, the BNP were invited onto the show, they ran away, since when have the BNP been invited on to be put in a positive light?
"Better to have stayed away and let them over egg the pudding - which is what they went ahead and did."
What you did was allow the State to propagandise against the BNP without the EFFECTIVE counters you have already listed, counters that will in comparison be read by no one.
In short, this is BOLLOCKS and no way to win an election.
Keeps this up and the party will win NO seats when they were finally attainable.
Give the party line a break Lee, when it is damaging to the cause, it helps neither the party or the country.
What are you waiting for? the BBC to invite you on for a nice cosy one to one with Fern Britton?
Give me a break!
"whilst also allowing him free rein to attack the BNP."
Bullshit, the BNP were invited onto the show, they ran away, since when have the BNP been invited on to be put in a positive light?
"Better to have stayed away and let them over egg the pudding - which is what they went ahead and did."
What you did was allow the State to propagandise against the BNP without the EFFECTIVE counters you have already listed, counters that will in comparison be read by no one.
In short, this is BOLLOCKS and no way to win an election.
Keeps this up and the party will win NO seats when they were finally attainable.
Give the party line a break Lee, when it is damaging to the cause, it helps neither the party or the country.
What are you waiting for? the BBC to invite you on for a nice cosy one to one with Fern Britton?
Give me a break!
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