Thursday 28 May 2009

Daily Mail, The Times, Searchlight Lies Caught Out

Yet again the Corporate Media have been caught out telling lies to the public about the BNP.

The Daily Mail, The Times and Searchlight have all stated that the Electoral Commission have begun an 'investigation' or an 'inquiry' into the allegations made by themselves about a five thousand pound donation to Nick Griffin passed to the Solidarity trades union.

I rang the Electoral Commission and they have confirmed that there is no investigation, there is no inquiry and that they are not planning any investigation.

The role of the Electoral Commission is to investigate donations passed too a political party, not donations made to a private individual when then passed at donation to a trades union.

The Electoral Commission have no power in law to investigate anything other than what they are empowered under legislation to investigate.

Ring them up for yourself on 02072710500 and they will confirm that the media are making up complete bullshit.

This is simply another lie in the long list of lies told by a desperate Corporate Media who are trying to force the failed political pigs of the Tories, Lib Dems, Labour and UKIP onto the British public in the forthcoming European Elections.

Yet again the main tabloids have listened to Searchlight's lies and then printed them on their pages.

What a bunch of total idiots.

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