Yes folks is that time of year again, when the awards are dished out to the rich, the famous and the pathetic.
This years award for Britains Biggest Twat is Peter Jones of The Guardian for the article about Meerkats and Racism.
Take a look at the boat race of this geezer.
What a totally smug looking twat.
You can just imagine him in the arms of his nubile Eastern European wench, their bodies locked in post-coital bliss when she leans over and says in a slinky Eastern European accent, " Vell zen Peter, ifs you is vanting any more of mine fine Eastern European poomtang zen you best be dealing viz zose fucking meerkats. I am so vucked off viz ze racism of ze British advertizing on ze telly. YOU WRITE TO ZE ASA YOU ASS OR NO MOREZ OF ZIS FINE ASS ! "
Poor old peter rolls from the bed, ripe metrosexual tears falling from his eyes, his feelings mortally wounded, he raises his arms to the godless sky and screams forth into the darkness, " DAMN YOU MEERKATS FROM HELL, YOU RACIST CUTE, SMALL MAMMALS FROM THE AFRICAN CONTINENT HAVE PUT ME ON A PUSSY DROUGHT, YOU MUST PAY, DAMN YOU MEERKATS, DAMN YOU TO HELL ! "
Oh woe to thee oh meerkats, poor old peter with his unused pecker is now on the warpath.
A well deserving winner of the award wouldnt you agree.
A few weeks ago, my girlfriend and I were watching TV at home when the advert for comparethemarket.com appeared on our screen. I had seen the ad before and not thought anything of it. However on this occasion, my girlfriend, who is Ukrainian, turned to me and said: "I don't like this advert, it is very offensive to me." I mentioned it to a friend who said his Latvian lodger also found it offensive.
The advertisement centres on the word "market" – a word that eastern Europeans/Russians pronounce "meerkat" – using talking CGI-animated meerkats. The sole point of this African animal's appearance is, it seems, to highlight the idea that east Europeans cannot pronounce the word market properly when they speak English. It struck me how racist it was to parody what is now a significant part of the British population in this way. It also occurred to me that were the ad to use stereotypical Indian or Caribbean accents in the same way it would never be allowed on TV.
Over the following week the ad seemed to be perpetually in our faces, the meerkat characters shouting "meerkats", "meerkats" in their stereotypical tones into our living room. I decided to complain first to ITV. When I looked on the ITV website, to my shock, I found that their business development manager Richard Chilvers was boasting that this was his favourite ad and that it helped to bring his "passion alive". I emailed my complaint. ITV responded that "the subject matter, content and treatment of all commercials are always given serious consideration to determine their suitability for transmission". They also stated that "particular care is needed to ensure that advertisements are not misleading or offensive". They then stated that I should contact the ASA (Advertising Standards Authority) which I duly did.
The ASA informed me that it did not assess advertisements before they went out but responded to complaints. The initial assessment and clearing was done by a company called Clearcast which, I was told, conveniently did not deal with the public. I then emailed my complaint to the ASA, whose response stated: "Whatever impact the mild stereotyping of the eastern European accent has is undercut by the fact that it is a cartoon rather than a live actor. As such we do not feel that the content of the commercial is likely to provoke widespread offence." It said it had not had any other complaints.
I asked my girlfriend why that might be. She told me that people from eastern Europe were brought up in a society where it was not normal to complain, especially to such sectors as the government and the media. She told me that they would not expect to be able to do anything about it, they would not know of the existence of the ASA and the power to demand that an advert was taken off television. It is also the case that as so many people from eastern Europe were so new to the country that they would not want to be seen to be causing trouble. It then dawned on me that this ad was targeting a sector of the population who would be unlikely to fight back.
The irony of the situation is that those in charge at the ASA and ITV probably consider themselves the most politically correct in society. However, the evidence shows that they have only learned who not to offend, not how not to offend. It looks as though those from eastern Europe are going to have the same fight on their hands as people from India and the Caribbean did all those years ago.
Jones isclearly mentally ill.
Look at the smarmy face on him!
Look at his pretty-boy vazzed-up lips
A wanker of the order of pc wankdom.
He probably gets his 'girlfriend' to shove large objects up his prolapsed arsehole while he begs for more.
What a totally wanked-up, wankerised, wankerooni, wankola, fucking metrosexual tosspot wanker!
Jones, you pathetic pc WANKER!
Like that other fake liberal, Limpdick Myopic and his "cheeky" girlfriend who later said he was a kweerboy putting it out for the media.
Sounds to me like Jones' girlfriend could do with a real man ;-)
Meanwhile our boys are dying in illeagle wars, unjust wars inflicted by a party his paper supports!
I think he needs to get his priorities right, no wonder the Guardian is on it's deathbed and read only by the vain self congratulating bed wetter writers themselfs and those who wish to laugh at such nonsense.
Michael Savage once wrote a book, `liberalism is a mental disorder`.
I had doubts, and considered it a product of the sheltered, weak gullible minded middle classes, robbed of knowledge and real life experence, but now i may have to reconsider!
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